On Saturday 03 Jun 2006 12:49, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas wrote:
> I've opened a RFE #1500028: Multitrack MIDI recording, and I would
> like to know your opinions, and discuss the technical details.

Would you like your discussion over here or over there?

> The main change in the GUI will be to add a new property to the
> Parameters box: another combo-box labelled "Recording Channel", and
> allowing the values "OMNI" and 1 thru 16.

I have to say, I've never liked the word Omni.  I don't see what's wrong 
with "All", especially where you have context (i.e. it's right next to 
a label saying "Recording Channel" and thus you don't have to pick a 
unique word to indicate that you're talking about channels).  That's a 
very minor point though.  Perhaps we need a Latin .po file.

> There is a little problem: the IPB is a collection of properties for
> one Playback Instrument, which may be shared by several tracks. The
> recording instrument is another different beast. We should create
> another box below the current two ones, named "Recording Parameters",
> and holding properties for only one track.

A problem with this is consistency with audio instruments, which have a 
single IPB containing both record and playback parameters.  (A synth 
plugin instrument has a similar IPB, but lacking the record 

Audio tracks actually draw their recording source from the same 
instrument as the playback target, so this means that an instrument is 
not only a description of playback data.  If more than one audio track 
is set to the same instrument, they all record from the same source.  
If you look at Instrument.h, you'll see that this is directly encoded 
into the base Instrument class (ugh, but it's my fault) as 
getAudioInput etc.  It seems the lightweight way to deal with this for 
MIDI, at least beneath the surface, might just be to do the same thing 
and have the "playback" instrument also define the record source.  
Would this be such a problem?  It doesn't really sound like it to me, 
but I'm not an advanced MIDI user.  If it is -- if we would really want 
to separate record and playback -- then we should perhaps do that for 
audio too.

Regardless, we should probably aim at some point to provide consistent 
IPBs between audio and MIDI in this respect.  We could either pull out 
the record source stuff from the audio IPB into another recording IPB 
as you describe (doing the same thing for MIDI of course) and then give 
the synth plugin tracks only a single IPB for playback, or we could 
give the MIDI IPB a similar concept to the audio one, i.e. have two 
adjacent In and Out channel combos.

Note that although I don't like the MIDI IPB all that much I like the 
audio one even less, so I'm not going to suggest copying it just for 
the sake of not having to change the audio one.

> Another parameter could be "Sysex track" (check box)

Would this affect anything other than what events are recorded?  If not, 
it could just be another option in the record channel combo (1..16, 
All/Omni, Sysex -- where Sysex is like All but excludes all channel 

> What about opening a new branch in the SVN?

Fine by me, I suggest you do as you see fit.


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