I'm using a recent development version of rosegarden that I compiled
around a week ago - according to "about rosegarden":

  Version: 13.10  Qt version: 4.8.4
  Build key: 694fcb9aa0

I was surprised to find that rosegarden is not recording program change
events.  Before I describe my setup in detail and what I've tried, I'd
like to first make sure that I'm not expecting something that does not
exist - so, as my subject suggests, my question is: Is the current
version of rosegarden supposed to record program-change messages?

I did some grepping in old rosegarden mailing-list files and found over
200 messages that mentioned 'program change'; a few of those were
relevant to recording PC messages.  Some seemed to suggest that RG does
not record PC messages, but the impression I got was that it was
supposed to - e.g.:

"If your keyboard transmits bank/program changes, Rosegarden should
record them, and they should work when played back. ..."


This was posted by Michael in Feb 2008.  I suppose the requirements
could have changed since then, but that would surprise me.

Now if RG is not supposed to record program-change events, then there's
nothing else for me to do [except, perhaps, to submit a feature request
:-)]; but if it is supposed to record PCs, then either I've encountered
a bug or I'm doing something wrong - misconfiguration or something.

I should mention that, after seeing mention of unchecking the "Bank" and
"Program" check-boxes under "instrument parameters" and checking
"Receive external" (which from their description I thought _might_ be
relevant to recording PC events), I tried a few different combinations
(including Bank and Program unchecked, Receive external checked) - all
with Channel: fixed. (I did not try auto.)  Nothing worked.

However, I did see that rosegarden was recording bank-select
control-change messages.  I used Kmidimon - both by directing the MIDI
stream/connection to both rosegarden and Kmidimon (and saw PCs show up
in Kmidimon but no evidence of it in rosegarden); and I played back the
recording in rosegarden connected to Kmidimon so that I could see in
Kmidimon what events RG was sending - again I saw bank-select messages
but no program changes.

I can give more details on what I've tried, if needed, after I've
verified from you guys that RG is supposed to (or not) record PCs.
BTW, I thought it best to post this to the user list, but if I should
send it to the dev list, please let me know.

By the way (this is not really related, but I thought might merit
correcting): when I was grepping through the mailing list I saw that
someone said in 2009:

"Currently you can add program changes through the event list editor
but not bank changes."

Either that feature was added later or the poster was wrong - I was
able to add both PC events and bank-select (MSB/LSB - 2 separate
events) in the event list editor with no problem.


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