It seems that BS/PCs are sent out on load (v17.12) and my M1 responds to
these correctly but for some reason the M3 doesn't receive them.

I haven't been able to confirm this using kmidimon because loading
a file resets the internal connections and disconnects kmidimon.

Is there a way to load a file without resetting connectiions?

Loading a different .rg file or File > New, then loading the 'bad'
composition makes no difference to the problem. 


On Mon, 2017-07-17 at 23:08 -0400, Ted Felix wrote:
> On 07/17/2017 07:12 PM, chuck elliot wrote:
> > so it looks to me that under 16.02 RG sends out program change
> > messages according to what's set up in the studio every time
> > you press PLAY.
> > 
> > Under 17.12 RG does not send out program changes when you press
> > PLAY...
>    I've confirmed this.  16.06 is the first version that doesn't send 
> out BS/PCs when play is pressed starting from time zero.  This feels 
> wrong to me.  I need to track down what changed and why.
>    I did notice that BS/PCs do get sent out on load.  So, try this... 
> Make sure your synths are on and connected.  Try loading a different .rg 
> file (even just a File > New should do), then load the .rg file that 
> talks to the M1 and M3.  This should cause BS/PCs to go out and your 
> synths should be set up properly at this point.
> Ted.

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