
I think I might have found a clue as to why my rg file dialog is

misbehaving. Firstly, I created a new user and then ran rg and

all was fine. So it is something to do with my user config.

I compared the .config/QtProject.conf files of the two users

and there looks to be a problem with mine:


compared with the new user:

shortcuts=file:///home/rosy, file:///home/rosy/.local/share/rosegarden/examples, file:///home/rosy/.local/share/rosegarden/templates, file:///home/rosy/Documents, file:///home/rosy/Music, file:///home/rosy/rosegarden

I thought this might be caused by a conflict with my rg build directory: <home>/rosegarden

so I renamed that and deleted all the rg config files in .config/ and .locale/share/ and replaced

my QtProject.conf with rosy's (changing the username as appropriate) but this did not fix the

issue and the QtProject.conf file was overwritten with the above contents.

I hope that gives you a clue as to what is going on.



On 08/04/2021 1:23 am, Ted Felix wrote:
I've done a little more digging and it seems like this could be happening because garbage is getting passed to the file dialogs (QFileDialog falls back on the current directory when it gets a directory that doesn't exist and depending on how you launch rg, the current directory might be the home dir).  This seems unlikely, but it's the only lead I've got at this point.

  Some tests...

  What version of Qt are you building against?  In rg, go to Help > About Qt... to get the version.

  The code (FileDialog::getOpenFileName()) is reused in a number of places.  Try File > Import > Import MIDI File...  Does this remember its last path?

  Run rosegarden from a command prompt while in an easily identifiable directory.  E.g. switch to /tmp and then run rosegarden:

  $ cd /tmp
  $ rosegarden

  Now do a file open.  Does this put you in /tmp?


On 4/7/21 6:38 AM, chuck elliot wrote:
'apparently not to do with NFS - I loaded and saved a file to

a local directory ('change reflected in the [Last_Used_Paths] setting)

but the 'Open' behaviour is still erroneous.

On 07/04/2021 12:38 am, Ted Felix wrote:
On 3/28/21 11:43 AM, chuck elliot wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, RG used to remember which directories you last saved to and loaded from.

  And it still does for me.

This is reflected in the [Last_Used_Directories] config file heading (which seems to contain the right values).

  That's the place.

Currently the 'open file' dialogue takes me to my home directory plus an out-of-date 'Recent' option and also opens in minimised mode for some reason. I am working with v20.12 and v21.06.

  I have never seen anything like this.  I can't minimize the window. And mine always takes me to the last place I was.

I have tried creating a new Rosegarden.conf and looked in vain for settings to change this. Am I missing something?

  Nope.  Sounds like bad Qt libraries.  The code is super simple for this.  We rely on Qt to do the real work here.

  Do "File > Open Example..." and "File > Open Template..." work OK? It's the same code, but it specifies a hard-coded path. Open Example... should take you to ~/.local/share/rosegarden/examples. Open Template... should take you to the same area, but the templates directory.


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