I've just pushed a number of changes [673a5f] in an attempt to address various complaints about audio path handling. Here's what's new...

On first save of a document with audio files you will now be prompted to select an audio path. The audio files will be moved there during that first save.

Relative audio paths starting with "." are now officially supported. "." means the location of the .rg file. This allows movement of the .rg file and associated audio files together using your OS file manager.

A more sensible set of selections is available for audio path in the document properties, user preferences, and in the pop-up at first save. E.g. "./audio" is now the recommended location, but you can select from a few others or specify something completely different if you prefer. You can specify your preferred way of working in the audio preferences and never be bothered by the audio path pop-up again.

  ~/rosegarden is no more.  Audio files now go to:


...until first save when they are moved to a more appropriate place as selected by the user. Please note that you will need to rename your autoload.rg for this change to take effect. If you have customizations there, you'll want to redo them, or combine the official autoload.rg with your custom autoload.rg.

  $ cd ~/.local/share/rosegarden/autoload
  $ mv autoload.rg autoload.rg.old

Missing audio file handling is improved in one way. You can now exit without loading the file. Previously the file would always load one way or another and there was the risk of accidentally saving a file with missing audio segments. It's still not in any way ideal and might even be worse in some situations. But I figured the most common case is moving the .rg file and forgetting to move the audio files. Just cancel and finish the job with your file manager. The other option is to "Locate" the audio files, then use the document properties to move them where they belong.

There are still some lingering issues, though I'm not sure how common these will be:

- Save As will result in an .rg file that is sharing audio files, or doesn't point to the audio files at all. Copying the audio files manually should work around this.

- If one or two audio files out of many have gone missing, you may end up in a situation where you can't open the .rg file until all the audio files are in one place.

- Large audio files will take some time to move as the peak files are regenerated instead of moved.

  Please test latest git.

  Related feature requests and bugs:

Bug #1283 Crappy audio directory design

Feature #494 New Project Feature

Feature #495 Override the default audiopath ~/rosegarden


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