Thanks to Kepa Zubeldia and Dick Brooks for their enlightening historical perspectives on the evolution of DNS. I'm thankful the graybeards of our industry are around to share with us memories of the old days, for surely otherwise, hubristic and callow youths like myself would make the mistake of thinking history began with them.
I do see another problem with the DNS proposal, besides the security concern posed by Dick and the time constraints raised by Rachel Foerster: would you share your customer list? If not, you can see why VANs and Clearinghouses might be loathe to make their complete customer list available on distributed DNS servers or an LDAP directory. I thought I was pushing it when I proposed auto-interconnection back on 20 January, whereby one VAN or CH could ask another whether an entity identified by a certain identifier was accessible via their system. I could see VANs or CHs fighting that small reform, unless otherwise compelled by HIPAA law to share that information. Never have I imagined that a switch would expose the contents of their entire directory (or customer base) - their "family jewels," if you will - in an open directory! William J. Kammerer Novannet, LLC. +1 (614) 487-0320