Is there general consensus among the participants on this list that the
creation of a Domain Name Service is a requirement for the EDI Addressing

If yes, would someone take a stab at stating the requirement concisely,
clearly and succinctly. Such a clearly stated requirement is essential if
the EDI Addressing Specification is to contain the necessary detailed
specifications to satisfy such a requirement.


Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
Phone: 847-872-8070

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Minch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: clarification on the DNS model

In any proposal to create a domain name service, whether distributed or
centralized, there must be, at some level, a mandate to the effect that any
entity who desires to be an "entry point", MUST register themselves (or
should i say be registered). Somewhere in the regulations there needs to be
a mandated process for registration, or the whole concept of self-discovery
of addresses breaks down.

What concerns me is the employers (of which we have several in our area) who
have a small self or TPA review function - where coverage and initial review
of the claim is performed.  These are very un-sophisticated operations - in
one case we finally got them on to email after 3+ years of badgering.

Do you envision some mandate of this sort to make trading partners register?

Dave Minch
T&CS Project Manager
John Muir / Mt. Diablo Health System
Walnut Creek, CA
(925) 941-2240

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