I really appreciate Dave's and Marcallee's efforts in this area.  I have
no interest in seeing this discussion tabled.  In the beginning, I would
have agreed that TPAs are "out of scope."  But since then, Marcallee has
certainly convinced me that if the TPA "problem" cannot be gotten out of
the way, then automated trading partner "discovery" has less value.  As
far as I know, we are the only WEDI/SNIP group worried about this
issue - the impediment of paper TPAs - at the moment.

If in their wisdom, the Business Issues SWG management finds it prudent
to create a new group concerned with ways to lubricate healthcare
e-commerce by eliminating or ameliorating the delays in trading imposed
by paper TPAs, we in the WEDi/SNIP ID & Routing SIG will defer to that
decision.  In the meantime, I'm only too happy to see Dave and Marcallee
succeed in developing a Clearinghouse Power of Attorney or the "WEDI
Accord on TPAs" - if only to prove my good friend, Kepa Zubeldia, wrong
for once in his life!

At Chris Feahr's prompting, a new project objective was set forth for
the group to evaluate; I proposed a change to the Project Purpose on 02

   This project will publish implementation guidelines for (1) an
   Electronic Trading Partner Agreement (e-TPA) specification to
   mechanically configure communication and translation
   software, and (2) automatic "discovery" mechanisms for locating
   Trading Partners' e-TPAs on the Internet based on their
   business identifiers.

It seems this change would be relatively uncontroversial, in that it
simply follows the gist of many of our discussions. It broadens the
scope by allowing us to investigate ways not only of describing EDI
addresses and attributes, but also mechanical representations of
companion documents, in the formation of electronic Trading Partner
Agreements.  A "directory" for "discovering" EDI addresses (or going a
step further: e-TPAs) has always been implicit in the 6320 document, so
it's only proper to explicitly include this requirement in the Project

This change, and the working documents I proposed we start on, can be
discussed tomorrow,  Friday March 8, on the WEDi/SNIP ID & Routing
teleconference call from 1:30 - 2:30 EST, 703-736-7290, pin #1315331.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rachel Foerster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 06 March, 2002 07:50 PM
Subject: RE: Electronic Trading Partner Agreements - 3/5 Conversation
with DWT

I am concerned that this effort is very much "out of scope" of the
original objective of this work group, to wit: (and from Peter Barry's
Document #6320 dated 2/26/02)

"This project is to define the syntax of a comprehensive, standard EDI
address, including attributes......to define the associated code
structure. Its deliverable is intended to have technical specificity."

I am concerned that focus and attention of this work group will be
shifted to an out-of-scope activity and that the original project
objective will not be achieved.

On the other hand, if it is the consensus of this work group that the
original objective is no longer valid, then a new project objective
should be set forth for the group to evaluate and agree to. Else, I
suggest that any further activities related to this effort either be
tabled until the primary objective of the work group is achieved.....or
this work effort be transferred to another work group.

Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
Professionals in EDI & Electronic Commerce
39432 North Avenue
Beach Park, IL 60099
Phone: 847-872-8070
Fax: 847-872-6860

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Minch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 1:23 PM
Subject: FW: Electronic Trading Partner Agreements - 3/5 Conversation
with DWT

To all I&A folks: We wanted to let you know that some progress is being
made on the trading partner agreement front concerning the legal
ramifications of creation of an entirely electronic eTPA. Yesterday
William Kammerer, Marcallee Jackson, and I held a conference call with 3
legal types from the law firm of Davis, Wright, Tremaine (DWT), who have
volunteered to provide some level of assistance to us pro bono as we
wrestle with the non-technical privacy, security, and fraud-potential
issues surrounding creation of an automated eTPA.

The question posed to the teleconference group was "how can DWT work
with our WEDI-SNIP workgroup"?

We discussed our plans to move the industry toward an "electronic TPA"
rather than (in place of) signed paper agreements. The TPA we have
envisioned includes technical communication protocols, security and
encryption, and potentially even the "companion guide" type of
information - all of that being generally classified as the "technical"
business arrangement between the trading parties. Our most pressing
concern is: even if we can get all of the nuances of the "technical"
business arrangement included within our electronic definition, will
there still be overriding legal barriers which will still require each
trading partner to negotiate and sign a paper document to comply with
the HIPAA regulations.

DWT explained how business agreements can be implied under the UCC. As a
simple example, when a customer sends an unsolicited order to a
supplier, and the supplier fills the order, there is an implied business
agreement under the UCC. DWT also indicated that there is now an
extension to the UCC which is being adopted in most states that
specifically addresses electronic business exchanges. After some
discussion, their suggestion was that if we could promote a health care
industry-wide accord, that it could act as an anchor point for creation
of the compliance portion of the paperless interchange agreement and
would embody language which safeguards the participants.

Our next steps will be to work with DWT in drafting a "talking paper"
over the next 3 weeks which lists some of the key elements that such an
accord would have, and how the accord would be used in conjunction with
the UCC to satisfy the regulatory needs (privacy/disclosure of PHI).
Stay tuned...

Dave Minch
T&CS Project Manager
John Muir / Mt. Diablo Health System
Walnut Creek, CA
(925) 941-2240

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