There has been a wealth of information posted to this list over the last several weeks. But, I'm beginning to be a bit concerned, and possibly, confused (it wouldn't be the first time!) that perhaps the discussion and information exchange has gone a bit off track. In looking at the original business case document for this work group developed by Peter Barry, I believe the following sections should be front and foremost in our efforts:

2.0 Objective of the EDI Address Project

This project is to define the syntax of a comprehensive, standard EDI Address, including attributes such as described here, and to define the associated code structure.  Its deliverable is intended to have technical specificity.

7.0 The Proposed Work

This project will pursue the following:


·       Write technical specifications for syntax and code structure for the  EDI Address including its associated attributes.  The sequence is to begin with the easier and continue to the more difficult.

·       Define attribute code tables.

·       Determine required changes, if any, in X12 and other standard transactions.

·       Coordinate with WEDI-AFEHCT Health Care Communications Security and Interoperability project.  Coordination between the two projects is critical.


Have we lost focus? Or have we just not yet determined a focus?  As I said in a message in early March, " . . .any project must have a clearly stated objective.....thus far I'm not sure this group has such an objective or reached consensus on an objective. The first question to be answered, in my opinion is: Does this group wish to embark on a project to develop a technical specification for a health care EDI Addressing System? This is what was posed in Peter Barry's first draft document. William talks about a white paper for EDI Addressing. These two things are substantially different animals. Thus, is the goal of this group to develop:
1. A technical specification for a health care EDI Addressing System
2. A white paper discussing issues, approaches, challenges for EDI Addressing of EDI interchanges"
Folks, where are we on the objective for this work group? If the objective is neither 1 or 2, then what is it?
Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
Professionals in EDI & Electronic Commerce
39432 North Avenue
Beach Park, IL 60099
Phone: 847-872-8070
Fax: 847-872-6860

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