William (and group)
I certainly do not want our group to "exclude" anyone's business needs.  I 
agree with other commentors that CHs and VANS will not only be major 
players for the foreseeable future, but given the nearly non-existent EDI 
capability of small providers, our CHs and VANs would seem to represent the 
only way we will even get HIPAA airborne.

NEVERTHELESS... HIPAA is a regulation primarily about providers exchanging 
information with payors.  HIPAA addresses the middleman facilitators 
because they are THERE.  Few doctors and insurance companies, however, 
really want to be in the "EDI business"... most payors and providers appear 
to want to offload this headache to an AGENT and/or Special 
Software.   Until CPA negotiation and EDI become  trivial/transparent, we 
are going to need a robust layer of "EDI facilitator" businesses to make it 
all work.

Twenty years from now, we will still see massive doctor disinterest in how 
this "EDI crap" works!  Once solid standards are implemented, it's 
reasonable to expect the big, sophisticated communicators (payors... with 
actual IT departments) to begin managing their own EDI.  Doctors, however, 
will (we hope) still be primarily interested in medicine... and will always 
need massive support for B-B communication. The way I see it... far from 
being on the verge of extinction, the "middleman" industry is likely to 
swell up over the next decade and SWALLOW up the IT needs of every little 
player in health care... even providers' "internal" IT needs.

This discussion has shown that many communication and addressing models are 
in actual use today and some of them seem to conflict with "common sense" 
when applied to a theoretical "point to point" direct-communication 
model... something that needs to be defined, but is generally individual 
providers conversing with individual health plans.  I think we all can 
agree that the "CH" or "VAN" industry will be seriously MUTATED over the 
next 2 or 3 years, and that dozens of variants of the "middleman" business 
model are likely to emerge in healthcare... mainly around 
newly-acknowledged PROVIDER needs.  So my suggestion to focus our 
committee's recommendations and proposals on the "point to point" model was 
intended to give us a clear, common target to fire our recommendations 
at.  I agree that these recommendations should and likely will be useful to 
CHs and VANs in the near term... ditto for anything resembling a central 
player-ID and address registry.

Once we have agreed on the definition of the COMMUNICATION MODEL that we 
want our recommendations to support, I believe we will get past this 
bottleneck and be able to get to work on the papers.  Please be patient 
with this "rambling" discussion.  We seem to be close to consensus, but you 
cannot make something this big "simple"... no matter how much we all wish 
that it were.  I'm actually impressed with this group's patience and 
willingness to tolerate this useful [if protracted] dialog.


At 06:12 AM 4/15/02 -0400, William J. Kammerer wrote:
>I see no need to explicitly focus our recommendations on direct
>point-to-point to the exclusion of clearinghouses.  The discussions to
>date have talked about Delivery Channels within the CPP which are
>somewhat capable of supporting clearinghouses.
>Actually, intermediaries - like VANs and CHs - will be able to use our
>recommendations just fine.  I can imagine a provider contracting with a
>CH intermediary for all communications.  Thus, the CH will benefit by
>being able to discover where the provider's partners (payers, TPAs,
>etc.) are automatically - and they certainly won't all be customers of
>the CH itself.  The provider in this case has delegated the task of
>looking up and discovering CPPs to the CH - which itself is a valuable
>service (that the CH can tout).
>But having said that, providers themselves who have contracted with
>clearinghouses have no direct need for our recommendations.  The
>recommendations will be of most value for providers and payers (and CHs,
>TPAs, billers and repricers) who wish to connect to each other directly.
>William J. Kammerer
>Novannet, LLC.
>+1 (614) 487-0320
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Christopher J. Feahr, OD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "WEDI ID & Routing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, 12 April, 2002 05:34 PM
>Subject: Re: FW: A proposed work plan for this group
>I would like to make a motion that our proposals be designed
>specifically to meet the business needs of INDIVIDUAL PROVIDERS wishing
>to directly communicate with INDIVIDUAL PAYORS.
>My reasoning: Some of our inability to reach clear consensus appears to
>be fuzziness about the intended target audience for our address
>discovery schemes and any "best practices" recommendations, such as who
>the "ISA receiver" should be, bundling transactions destined for
>different receivers, etc. If our work products are well suited to 2-way
>communication between "little providers" and "big payors", however, they
>may also be of interest to middleman entities like VANs and CHs who are
>interested in creating services for doctors. Given the variety of
>current business practices among existing middleman-players, however, I
>think it would be a mistake for this group to attempt to "support" in
>our recommendations what these guys are doing today .
>If we limit our scope as suggested, we will be writing specifications to
>support a business model that has not yet emerged in the marketplace:
>lots of small providers sending/receiving directly with lots of
>individual payors. In fact, massive "direct connect" EDI may never
>emerge in healthcare IF the middleman industry does a terrific job of
>packaging up simple, cost-effective solutions for offloading this
>headache from the doctors. From the doctors' point of view, they have to
>PAY SOMEONE to work this magic and they could give a rat's butt whether
>it was a "VAN", a "CH", or a $20,000 software upgrade... just so Suzy
>knows which button(s) to push and they eventually get paid!
>Christopher J. Feahr, OD
>Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268        

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