Great comments... thanks!  Here are a couple thoughts/responses.

1. Adding more fields to describe the "response timing" that a sender could 
expect sounds helpful.  I was envisioning a separate "CONNECTION" record 
for each supported TransactionName/TransactionVersion combination.  This 
would enable the receiver to state "response timing" differently for each 
transaction, if desired.  Could SessionTimeOut be used to represent your 
concept of "RealTimeTimeout/give up" time?  I'm not entirely sure how 
someone would use "SessionTimeOut" programatically... I just copied the 
field from the X12 "trading partner profile" summary that Dave Minch compiled.

2. I'm a little fuzzy on the security/encryption/authentication 
requirements... so I was hoping someone would suggest adding, combining, or 
eliminating fields as appropriate.  Certainly, if a public encryption key 
was needed for a transaction, I'd want to find it (or its location) in the 
CPP somewhere.  To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what the data in 
CONNECTION fields #19, 20, and 21 would look like.  If another field is 
required to actually hold an encryption "key", that's fine... but don't 
most PEK systems already utilize some sort of "public key registry/server", 
meaning that our CPP might only require the address of the 
key-server?  (I'm fairly ignorant about "security"... so hopefully, the 
experts will jump in!)

3. Regarding the transaction-specific testing and certification data that I 
stuck in the RECEIVER table, I was hoping to get some input from the group 
on this.  Maybe a whole separate table will be needed for HIPAA readiness, 
certification, anticipated "go-live dates", etc.  The reason that I did not 
suggest putting this down in the CONNECTION table was that each CONNECTION 
record represents a scenario for something that WORKS NOW.  Whereas, the 
HIPAA readiness information is more about how things will work in the 
future, how "certified-compliant" they are, etc.  In fact, this info might 
often be a way of justifying or explaining why a particular combination of 
PlanID-TransactionName is NOT found as a CONNECTION record for a particular 

4. My thinking on the split between the info in the RECEIVER table and that 
in the CONNECTION table was that the former would relate to the receiver 
business as an enterprise or a major division of an enterprise.  Perhaps 
the other table should be called "TRANSACTION" instead of "CONNECTION".  It 
seems conceivable, however, that a RECEIVER enterprise might want to 
organize his "EDI connection capabilities" around several different 
concepts.  The most important seem to be:
1. the particular transaction supported
2. the type of physical connection supported, and
3. the PlanID

As long as the information I have stuck into "CONNECTION" can be indexed 
and searched on any of these 3 attributes, then it probably doesn't matter 
what we name the table.  The prospective sender will be coming into this 
registry, knowing the identity of the RECEIVER.  If desired, he should be 
able to pull up all the CONNECTION records for that RECEIVER... or just the 
subset that are common to the PlanID he's interested in, the type(s) of 
physical connections he supports, and/or the type/version of the 
transaction that he intends to send.  If a payor, for example, was able to 
accept "batch" eligibility requests through one "door" and real-time elig. 
requests through a different one, he would need two CONNECTION records for 
that transaction:  one CONNECTION record in which TransactionName was "270" 
and NormalResponseTime was small number and another record with 
TransactionName = 270, but a larger value for NormalResponseTime.

Thanks again for all the comments.  I will be glad to accept/keep track of 
these comments/issues about the "CPP elements"and to summarize them for the 
time being on a second "sheet" inside the main spreadsheet at

Thanks again,

At 09:17 AM 5/5/02 -0500, Michael Mattias/Tal Systems wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Christopher J. Feahr, OD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Here's the link to my proposed CPP template/spreadsheet. (thanks, William):
> >
> > You may want to hold off on commenting until you have seen a similar CPP
> > template proposal that Dick Brooks has been working on.
>Very, very nice...I like it.  I look forward to Mr. Brooks' version, too.
>Just one question: Looking through this I noticed the absence (can you 
>notice an
>absence?) of some data fields needed for an applications developer (e.g., me).
>What I am looking to do when I query the registry is to end up with all 
>the data
>I would need to create a document (837, 270, 276, etc), send an ANSI 
>and have it get to the receiver, then have it pass the receiver's 
>edits; that is, including such things as the applications identifiers.
>For example, some data fields which occur to me right off the top of my
>head...(270=Eligibility Inquiry)
>AcceptsRealTime270           - does this Information Source (payer) accept
>realtime 270's?
>AccceptsBatch270            - does this Information Source accept batch 270's?
>ApplicationID270RealTime - GS ID for payer for 'realtime' 270
>ApplicationID270Batch      - GS ID for payer's 'batch'  270
>BatchLimit270                  - maximum number of requests per single  270 in
>batch mode
>RealTimeTimeout              - if no response to a 270 in 'n' seconds/minutes,
>give up.
>BatchTurnaroundTime       - if no response to a 270 in 'n' hours/days, 
>(Your 'NormalResponseTime" and SessionTimeout fields may cover the
>Timeout/Turnarounds, but I would like to see it expanded to allow for 
>times for different documents)
>Right now I am focused on the 270/271 (like you hadn't figured that out) 
>and can
>provide a bunch of data fields for inclusion.
>(A DOCUMENT section in addition to CONNECTION would be just fine).
>To whom shall we send these suggested additions, or do we just post 'em 
>here and
>hope for the best? ( Moderator help?)
>(Note: I sent this to a communications expert with whom I may work and he may
>comment as well).
>Michael Mattias
>Tal Systems, Inc.
>Racine WI

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268        

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