----- Original Message -----
From: Rachel Foerster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: CPP Data elements draft for comment

> If this group starts delving into the data of the various HIPAA transactions
> I fear it will most certainly veer off track big time. This effort is/should
> be substantially above the business data level and be dealing with message
> addressing and various transport methods that may be supported/required by a
> trading partner.
> Furthermore, the scope of this effort should not be limited to the HIPAA
> transactions, but serve all of health care.

A.  I understand the need to get "address" must be something simple, but the
"capabilities" will perforce require the collection of data at the transaction
set level. Even if this is limited to the HIPAA circumstance (and see below to
un-limit), the allowable variations and what I know from the real world tell me
we'll need this much detail.

Ten bucks sez someone is going to have separate interchange (ISA) and/or
application (GS) ID's for different documents.Some Payers will accept realtime
eligibility requests, some will accept batch, some will accept both.  Some
payers will accept 837 professional claims prior to accepting 837 Institutional
claims. Yadda, Yadda....

B. Why limit this to healthcare?
Surely, it would be nice to know if Company X accepts 850 PO's and if so, what
are the rules...

A: Yes, ANSI 004010, ISA receiver qual/id= whatever, Sterling VAN, no SDQ, Limit
100 Line items, ItemQual = VN

If I have their catalog (or got the Vendor part number from their web site or a
service like QRS,) I can give him the part number he wants. CONCEDED... credit
is a problem. But suppose I specify to ship COD (ITD segment)?

Michael Mattias
Tal Systems, Inc.
Racine WI

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