Dear Group:
I would like to know if we have agreement (or could agree) on the following 
requirements regarding access to the CPP registry/repository data:

1. Allow any party to access the CPP registry, thus obtaining the URL that 
points to an entity's "repository" record(s).
2. Require a standard mechanism for entrance to the CPP repository record 
that somehow looks for a valid digital ID certificate

If every CPP repository user was required to have a valid ID certificate 
somewhere (e.g., the AMA/Verisign deal that was mentioned once) then 
requiring that certificate as the "entry pass" to the repository would seem 
to be a way to keep the riff-raff out.  I think we may still need ways to 
individually [further] secure sections of the repository record, but would 
a dig. certificate be a reasonable way to secure the repository front 
door?  My suggestion would be to include a data element in the repository 
(perhaps another URL) that pointed to a default "access denied" message 
created by the repository record owner.  (I guess in the absence of an 
entity-specific "access denied" message that provided an alt. means like a 
cust. service phone #, the user would simply get a "page not found" error)

More questions (assuming that we do want to secure the front door with a 
1. How tough are these to obtain?  Could Mr. Hacker apply for one and 
thereby have the keys to the kingdom?
2. Are there standard protocols (possibly in the ebXML CPP specifications) 
for implementing this type of auto-authentication when you attempt to 
access a URL?
3. How many data elements would be necessary in the repository record to 
handle auto-auth... and what would they be called?


Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268        

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