Oh Lordy, Lordy! Are we going down a rabbit hole with Alice or what! I
understand authentication is part of the CPA spec, but how is this relevant
to getting the industry up and running with EDI by the HIPAA compliance


-----Original Message-----
From: joe mcverry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 4:13 PM
To: WEDi/SNIP ID & Routing
Subject: Re: digital certificates for access to CPP repository

Authentication has been addressed in several levels.  For example a
snippet from the ebXML CPA documents reads
<quote> isAuthenticated attribute -
The isAuthenticated attribute has the possible values of "none",
"transient", "persistent", and
"persistent-and-transient". If this attribute is set to any value other
than "none", then the receiver
MUST be able to verify the identity of the sender. In general, transient
authentication can be
implemented using a secure transport protocol like SSL (with or without
the use of basic or
digest authentication); persistent authentication can be implemented
using a digital signature
mechanism. Secure transport information is further provided in the
TransportSender (see
Section 8.4.24) and TransportReceiver (see Section 8.4.32) elements
under the Transport
element. Persistent authentication information is further provided in
the SenderNonRepudiation
element under DocExchange/ebXMLSenderBinding (see Section 8.4.42) and
ReceiverNonRepudiation element (under DocExchange/ebXMLReceiverBinding
(see Section

The CPA would be inconsistent if isAuthenticated is set to "transient"
or "persistent-and-
transient", while isSecureTransportRequired is set to "false". isAuthorizationRequired attribute
The isAuthorizationRequired attribute is a Boolean with possible of
values of "true" and
"false". If the value is "true" then it indicates that the delivery
channel MUST specify that the
sender of the Message is to be authorized before delivery to the

Source: Collaboration-Protocol Profile and Agreement Specification
Version 1.11
Author: OASIS ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement
Technical Committee
Date: April 4 2002

"William J. Kammerer" wrote:
> In the current version of the OASIS ebXML Registry specification, there
> are no provisions for confidentiality of Registry content. All content
> submitted to the Registry may be discovered and read by any client -
> which means anybody can find out that an entity is accessible via the
> registry, and where their CPP is located.
> On the other hand, only authorized submitters who have been
> authenticated using digital signatures can publish data in the registry.
> I am assuming that this means there exists a fine-grained mechanism
> whereby only the owner (or his agent) of information (e.g., the CPP) can
> submit or change his own information - as opposed to having to submit
> his information through a central authority for inclusion in the
> Registry.
> The CPP owner may have some means of obfuscating his own CPP, or parts
> thereof - revealing information only to authorized users-  since the CPP
> itself could very well reside on his own server.
> Of course, I'm making a lot of assumptions.  The details have to be
> ferreted out by the folks responsible for the working paper on
> "Discovery" of Healthcare CPPs: Peter Barry, Joe McVerry, and Dick
> Brooks!  I think Joe only volunteered to look into UDDI.  That leaves
> Peter and Dick to be the experts on the ebXML Registry.  Maybe I could
> add Lisa Carnahan to the list, too. Does anyone else want to volunteer?
> William J. Kammerer
> Novannet, LLC.
> Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
> +1 (614) 487-0320
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Christopher J. Feahr, OD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, 10 June, 2002 06:31 PM
> Subject: digital certificates for access to CPP repository
> Dear Group:
> I would like to know if we have agreement (or could agree) on the
> following requirements regarding access to the CPP registry/repository
> data:
> 1. Allow any party to access the CPP registry, thus obtaining the URL
> that points to an entity's "repository" record(s). 2. Require a standard
> mechanism for entrance to the CPP repository record that somehow looks
> for a valid digital ID certificate
> If every CPP repository user was required to have a valid ID certificate
> somewhere (e.g., the AMA/Verisign deal that was mentioned once) then
> requiring that certificate as the "entry pass" to the repository would
> seem to be a way to keep the riff-raff out. I think we may still need
> ways to individually [further] secure sections of the repository record,
> but would a dig. certificate be a reasonable way to secure the
> repository front door? My suggestion would be to include a data element
> in the repository (perhaps another URL) that pointed to a default
> "access denied" message created by the repository record owner. (I guess
> in the absence of an entity-specific "access denied" message that
> provided an alt. means like a cust. service phone #, the user would
> simply get a "page not found" error)
> More questions (assuming that we do want to secure the front door with a
> certificate):
> 1. How tough are these to obtain?  Could Mr. Hacker apply for one and
> thereby have the keys to the kingdom?
> 2. Are there standard protocols (possibly in the ebXML CPP
> specifications)
> for implementing this type of auto-authentication when you attempt to
> access a URL?
> 3. How many data elements would be necessary in the repository record to
> handle auto-auth... and what would they be called?
> Regards,
> Chris
> Christopher J. Feahr, OD
> http://visiondatastandard.org
> Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

Joe McVerry
American Coders Ltd.
POBox 97462
Raleigh, NC   27624  USA
919.846.2014 (voice/fax)
Home Of OBOE - an EDI and EDI/XML Translator
    and xBaseJ - xBase Database Engine For Java

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