Fact 1:    Almost all (if not all) of the currently mandated HIPAA EDI transactions contain protected health information
Fact 2:    Today's business model supports and enables protected health information to be stored redundantly by many intermediaries between a health care provider and payer at substantial cost
Fact 3:    It is highly probable that today's business model will continue for a substantial period of time unchanged following the HIPAA drop-dead compliance dates for either or all of privacy, security, EDI
Fact 4:    Data at rest is substantially more vulnerable to disclosure/access than data in transit...regardless of whether the data at rest is in a secured or unsecured environment
Fact 5:    HIPAA requires the implementation of appropriate safeguards for protected health information - today and tomorrow
Question:    Given these facts, how does one evaluate the effort of this group to developing a series of working papers on the topics of identifiers, addresses and delivery channels, elements of the Healthcare Collaboration-Protocol Profile (CPP),  discovery of Healthcare CPPs via a Registry, address, solve or mitigate any of the issues and/or problems inherent in the current business model which I believe can reliably be predicted to continue for a substantial period of time into the future surrounding the electronic exchange of health information?
Comments:    It seems to me that this is a highly visionary model (one which has not yet been implemented in any other industry to date) only serves to add further complexity and confusion to an already highly complex and confused industry. There are solutions already commercially available and affordable that address these issues. So please, I'd appreciate some succinct words of explanation that one could use when talking to industry participants about how identifiers, addresses and delivery channels, elements of the Healthcare Collaboration-Protocol Profile (CPP),  discovery of Healthcare CPPs via a Registry help any one or all of them implement an EDI capability that enables compliance with HIPAA by either April 14, 2003 (privacy....and security), October 16, 2002, or testing by April, 2003, and full implementation by October 16, 3003.

Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
Professionals in EDI & Electronic Commerce
39432 North Avenue
Beach Park, IL 60099
Phone: 847-872-8070
Fax: 847-872-6860


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