Title: Message
I think that this e-mail was intended for the entire ListServ...
"Does HIPAA address [transport protocol recommendations]?"  - Not to my knowledge.  I believe it is painfully silent in this area.
"Do Payers expect Providers to reach them using different methods?" - Expect is a strong term.  Working for a Payer, we're hoping to provide a spectrum of methods for transmission transport, including Secure FTP, Secure E-mail, HTTPS, and possibly 1 or 2 other custom methods (on private network lines).  We're looking at doing real-time transactions on the HTTPS and private-line methods.  We currently have no plans for an "Open" EDI Portal, though we are keeping design considerations in mind as we mature our "private" EDI Portal.  Currently, access to the private Portal is managed through a non-automated Trading Partner Agreement process.  We are very interested in what the Routing & ID group is doing/planning, even though we probably won't have an CPP/CPA/ebXML method operational by H-day.  We're taking things one step at a time (mostly for cost reasons), but we do see an Open Portal as one of the potential steps, down the road.
As for consensus... I suggest checking the Archives... maybe I missed it...

Cory Dekker
GWL-EBIS HIPAA Project Analyst
303/737-2022 or 303/522-8804 (Cell)

-----Original Message-----
From: Deepan Vashi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 7:58 AM
To: Dekker, Cory
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

Dear Martin & Cory
From Provider's perspective are we looking at multiple routing mechanism ?
1) Using modem and telephone lines for Medicare (FTP is not permitted as per Medicare manual)
2) E-mail for some providers
3) FTP
4) VPN solutions.....
List will grow depending on requirements of Payers.
Does HIPAA address these issues ?
My Question is to leading Payer Organizations : " Do Payers expect Providers (Doctors) to reach them using different methods ?" : Is their any consensus ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 5:08 AM
Subject: RE: Route through email and attach EDI files

I'd think that e-mail is one viable mechanism for a small-volume batch arrangement.  We plan to use it as such with at least one TP.
However, I suspect that e-mail falls well short of the "2 to 30-seconds" definition for real-time [4010X092 270/271 IG; page 14, 4th paragraph, "Real Time Transactions ... should not exceed one minute"], and it probably represents a dis-incentive if the payer also supports a real-time Web or DDE interface.
I'd say "close ... but no cigar" as a complete HIPAA routing solution.

Cory Dekker
GWL-EBIS HIPAA Project Analyst
303/737-2022 or 303/522-8804 (Cell)

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Scholl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 1:39 PM
To: WEDi/SNIP ID & Routing
Subject: Route through email and attach EDI files

After following the discussion now for a few months I begin to believe that we have not solved routing, one of the most basic issues of EDI. All this talk about CPP and ebXML makes my head spin; and to be honest, having my hands full with transaction sets, I don't see myself studying now XML too.
Why don't we use email as the preferred mode of routing?
This would solve most problems.
  • email is secure.  Encrypting email with PGP, Pretty Good Privacy is cheap, proven and common place
  • Attachments can be relatively large, mega bytes if need be and numerous too
  • routing of email is long solved and works great as we all know
  • Identifiers are left between you and your trading partner.  We don't have to invent or find a unique ID as long it is 15 digits long.
  • virus filters and such are widely available and HIPAA Security can be attained at low costs
  • By having a robot check the inbox every minute or so, "realtime" or something reasonably close to that can be achieved.
  • TA1, 997,271,277 ..... are send back as an attachment
  • You can also send back the detailed analysis information.  EDI compliance checker software produces verbose output and when you send that back in the body of the email to the message provider, you can give near instant feedback and go through the training and testing phase faster.
  • Off course, if you need to submit 10gig of EDI to CMS, this does not work, but for the traffic between providers and payers, email would solve the routing question
I just started to test my payer oriented software with a provider software house in India.  We tried ftp and were frustrated. We were fighting firewall issues, I had power outages and my server was down, my IP lease expired and India is about 12 hours ahead of me so that we could never communicate in real time.  Moving the communications over to email solved all these problems and now we can concentrate on transaction set issues.
My 2cents
Martin Scholl
Scholl Consulting Group, Inc.
301-924-5537 Tel
301-570-0139 Fax

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