
I don't think EDI would necessarily have looked any different if it had
been devised in the "TCP/IP world."  Look at MIME:  it's not any
prettier. If XML had been available from the outset, maybe EDI would
have used XML for its syntax.  But you have to admit there's nothing
inherent in the syntax of ANSI ASC X12 or UN/EDIFACT that keeps EDI from
being a first-class Internet passenger.  Peter Barry has suggested that
payers with elaborate, web-based DDE services could allow providers to
upload standard X12 interchanges right into a field in the DDE system,
presumably wrapping EDI in MIME for an HTTP POST or something like that.
And high tech messaging services like ebXML MS don't care whether
they're carrying payloads of X12 or XML.

The HIPAA standard transactions based on X12 and NCPDP already exist
(and maybe new interactive ones based on the UN/EDIFACT syntax will be
added into the mix later), and we can't do anything about it even if we
wanted to. We should concentrate on devising recommendations for means
of routing these packages safely, securely and reliably.  If the next
incarnation of HIPAA standard messages were based on XML schemas or core
components, we'd still be left with the same problems we have today:
how to get the claim to the payer, or the remittance to the provider.
If we had a Healthcare CPP and Registry, they would work
"out-of-the-box" for XML just as well as for EDI - trust me.

EDI's market acceptance has nothing to do with the "protocols" it's
built on:  the syntax (ASC X12.5 and X12.6, ISO 9735 or XML) is the
simple part - the semantics are difficult. FTP, SMTP, MIME and other
Internet protocols have far fewer variables to deal with, and hence are
simpler to interoperate.  But I'll grant you one thing:  if the
(Healthcare) world were standardized on a single transport layer
(TCP/IP), it would make things far less painful.  For example, we
wouldn't have much work left to do to customize the CPP DeliveryChannel,
as it's already designed around TCP/IP protocols like HTTP and SMTP. And
I certainly agree that "there should be no need to duplicate the sender
identification effort with another login process much like BBS's and FTP
require."  You should only have to logon once to your own ISP, VAN or
CH, and not duplicate that process for every payer you might conceivably
access; that's the whole point of eliminating payer-centric mailboxes.

As an aside, Open Source isn't the answer to all that ails us. Most of
us don't still live at home with Mom, and therefore we have to charge
for our labor.  Open Source is often a model which works well for
hardware manufacturers (i.e., using Open Source infrastructure software
to encourage development for their platform), but I've never seen it
applied to e-commerce applications.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald Bowron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 21 June, 2002 01:39 PM
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

As a long time fan of efficient transfer of business data (i.e. EDI vs.
XML), I've often wondered why the Open Source community has never taken
EDI under it's wing like they have other services (FTP, SMTP, Telnet).
I guess the market wasn't there.

Anyway, to keep in line with our efforts, I've always wondered what EDI
would be like if it were developed in the TCP/IP world vs. the legacy
BBS (async protocols) VAN (SNA/Bysnc protocols) world.  I've also
believed that part of the reason other application or file transfer
protocols (FTP, SMTP, XML) seem to gain wider acceptance more rapidly
than EDI is simply that they've standardized on a single transport layer

So I ponder on this as I look out over the issues raised in this forum.
Can a standard interface be developed that would work much like SMTP
but without all the overhead of another addressing schema?

Imagine if an EDI client application were built in the open source
community (much like SendMail), that when given the EDI filename, would
access the ISA Header and GS segment, use that information to locate
(Either via ACL, LDAP, DSML, ebXML/CPP) in an "ID Repository" the proper
destination and communication method and protocol (of course today, the
TCP/IP protocol would be nice).

The EDI Server (much like an SMTP Server) would acknowledge the EDI
Client request, (assuming TCP/IP) establish a VPN or SSL channel (for
encryption purposes) and validate digital certificates, and then receive
the ISA header. Verify the Sender/Receiver information, and request the
GS segment.  From there, the GS segment would be used by the EDI Server
to set the Functional processing of the transactions
(Realtime/Fast-Batch/Batch) and send the I/O stream on its way to the
appropriate application service queues or simply stored as a file.  So
basically, all the necessary information to login the user, determine
what they are needing to do is in the ISA and GS segments as EDI was
intended.  There should be no need to duplicate the sender
identification effort with another login process much like BBS's and FTP

The EDI Server could also be responsible for sending back the TA1 and
possible the 997 acknowledgments (assuming the EDI Server can perform
structural integrity checks).  The EDI Server could have folder
management capabilities much like a SMTP server for Sent/Received and
possible transaction specific folders. The EDI Server could also support
Self-Registration - allowing business partners to decide if they will
use a hosted EDI Server (possibly for a fee) for sending and receiving
their files via a service provider, much like SMTP services such as
MyRealbox or Hotmail accounts, or if they setup their own internal

It would seem to me that such EDI Client and Server applications could
easily be developed in the open source community based on the SendMail
and SMTP Server open source code fairly quickly.

Then it would be up to this body to help develop the standards for what
the "ID repository" would contain and how it would be communicated to
EDI Clients and Servers.  We could also help establish standards for
routing the ISA Header from one EDI Server to another securely based on
the existing SMTP model.

The problem with the current situation is that much of the healthcare
EDI infrastructure is still dependant on 10 year old technology
(dial-up/asynchronous protocols).  They are looking for the least
intrusive method complying with HIPAA, while still supporting their
existing infrastructure (i.e. don't rip and replace).  I believe,
without a significant advancement in the applications that manage the
"Communication Protocol Layer", EDI will continue to struggle with
asynchronous protocols(X,Y,Z-Modem, Kermit) and dial-up support of
TCP/IP protocols (FTP) and wrapper solutions such as SMTP.

If the EDI Client were standardized, freeware, I'm sure the servers
would bring in sufficient revenue to support the open source efforts.
Practice Management systems could simply include the EDI Client in their
products and then connect to an existing EDI Server either via dial-up
or dedicated TCP/IP, and hopefully soon via IPv6.

I don't believe the repository would be widely accepted if we didn't
have a real compelling reason to use it.  So, anyone on this list know
any good open source developers?


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