There is COB in the Medicaid/Medicare world and they are payers.


David Frenkel
Business Development
Global Leader in Ecommerce Tools

-----Original Message-----
From: Fody, Kenneth W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 4:00 PM
To: 'WEDi/SNIP ID & Routing'
Subject: RE: CPP and COB


>From a practical perspective, COB is indeed currently up to the provider
because that is the way COB exists today.  Payers really don't exchange

However, under HIPAA, COB is a transmission from any covered entity --
or provider -- to a payer.  So the door is open for a payer to require
another payer to accept a direct COB transmission, or for a new business
model to develop.

Does it behoove a Payer to accept a COB transmission from a provider,
notwithstanding?  Absolutely.  

You also asked what agreement needs to be in place for COB between two
parties.  From a transaction perspective, I'd say a trading partner
agreement.  There may be other language needed from a business
for example if the provider is a participating provider, or perhaps
the provider to agree not to bill the member while awaiting the COB
But I'm not sure the latter point is relevant to this discussion.

With regard to your question about which type of COB I was referring to
commenting on routing issues, you are correct that I was speaking of
to Payer.  I think you are correct saying the Provider to Payer to
model is simpler, or at least more consistent with what will routinely

But all of that being said, look for Payer to Payer COB to pick up in
future.  First, if I were a provider, I'd rather one of the Payers just
payment in full and let them figure who pays what.  If the carriers and
providers don't reach agreement on that concept, then how long will it
before someone lobbies a legislature or regulators to require carriers
interact that way?  I don't mean the last point to be negative, just

Ken Fody

-----Original Message-----
From: William J. Kammerer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 6:30 PM
To: 'WEDi/SNIP ID & Routing'
Subject: Re: CPP and COB


The gist of Kepa's Myth #233: "COB claims" seems to be saying that COB
(at least the Provider-to-Payer-to-Provider model) is up to the
provider: if the secondary payer doesn't heed the previous amounts paid
by the primary insurer, he could end up paying as a primary insurer
himself!  Now don't push me any further on this:  I barely understand
what I just wrote!!  But what agreement needs to be in place between the
provider and payer(s) in this case?  Isn't Kepa's point mostly that
insurers have a rational business imperative to support COB, regardless
of any agreements between payers and providers?

I'm not obsessed over COB, mind you, but I just want to figure out what
we need in the CPP to assist payers and providers in processing claims
with COB.

On another matter, when you talk about "a fair amount of routing," are
you referring solely to the payer-to-payer type of COB?  At least  the
Provider-to-Payer-to-Provider model seems to be no more complicated (in
terms of routing) than what we've been talking about all along: i.e.,
provider using the payer ID to find the payer's CPP and then extracting
the appropriate EDI address to which send the interchange.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fody, Kenneth W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'WEDi/SNIP ID & Routing'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 08 July, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: RE: CPP and COB

Larry, William, et al --

I would agree with Larry's point with regard to COB on both aspects.

First, for a payer to accept a COB transaction from either a provider or
another payer, there will have to be some type of agreement in place
between the sender and receiver -- the same way there is with any other
transaction. This is particularly true if a Payer is truly hoping to use
EDI to simplify and improve their COB process, because real improvement
requires a lot more work than just taking in an 837.

Second, I agree with Larry that CPP is valuable in this context and I
would offer a some details on why that is true. Independence Blue Cross
and Aetna are the two biggest players in the tri-state Philadelphia area
(e.g. PA/southern NJ/DE). Lets say we decided to collaborate on COB.

If you look behind the curtain, you'll see Aetna is not just one
company. Rather Aetna is a lot of different HMOs -- probably at least
one for every state in which they do business -- and some insurance
companies all trading under the name Aetna.

And the same is true for us, albeit not on as grand a scale. We do
business in just three states, but we have six different entities
underwriting coverage and a TPA. All of these use the same entry point
for electronic transactions.

So, as you can see, when two carriers get together to do COB, Larry is
correct when he says it is not just a connect and send type of
arrangement. There clearly is a fair amount of routing that has to take
place, which depends on one party correctly identifying the other
carrier to whom they are sending the transaction.

As Larry said, anything that makes that process easier is a good thing.

Ken Fody
Independence Blue Cross

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