
When we discuss things here, please work under the assumption of an
environment conforming to the HIPAA TCS and Privacy rules, more or less
as they are promulgated today.  It would be too clumsy to preface
everything we say with "If HIPAA TCS were still the law and compliance
were required..."  Or, if you prefer using the Buckeye subjunctive,
something like "If it *wuz* the law..."  Rest assured that if the HIPAA
TCS Rule were abandoned, cancelled, de-promulgated, de-enacted,
obliterated - or whatever - that probably a lot of things we've
discussed (and that will find their way into the recommendations) won't
have any relevance, let alone the force of law.

Now having disposed of your red herring, can we start over again? Please
tell us (if the HIPAA TCS law *wuz* in effect) why you believe Christine
has to wait around for paper TPAs and other enrollment hurdles to be
completed before she sends HIPAA compliant transactions to a payer?

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce T LeGrand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 17 July, 2002 11:14 AM
Subject: RE:Trading Partner Agreements

I actually spoke off-line to Christine about this yesterday, and I tried
not to answer this morning, but just could not shut up.

A little bit naive was Christine's reference to a board member's
suggestion, and for good reason. As those of us in health care know,
arguing with a payer about your claim format, especially when you don't
yet have the force of law behind you, is only likely to make you miss

------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )--------------------
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 21:38:31 -0400
To: WEDi/SNIP.ID.&.Routing[routing]
From: William.J.Kammerer[wkammerer]
Subject: Trading Partner Agreements

Here's someone, Christine Jensen, who's not afraid of playing hardball.
>From her posting on the HIPAAlive discussion list, it does kind of sound
like she's having a problem getting payers to say just what the heck
they want from providers.  Or maybe payers are just not ready yet to
part with their "companion" guides.  Or whatever.

But what I find really interesting here is that Christine appears to be
saying "the heck with it," and wants to just send the standard
transactions - and the payers had better be ready for them.  She might
still have the problem of finding out where to send the standard
transactions - but that's something I hope we can help her with!

Anyway, I don't think Christine is being naïve: she obviously has
figured out what to place in the standard transactions, so why can't
payers figure out how to read them?  What is it in a TPA-cum-companion
guide that helps either party in effecting the electronic relationship?

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jensen, Christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 15 July, 2002 05:47 PM
Subject: TCS: Trading Partner Agreements

At this time none of my trading partners, health plans since we are a
provider entity, have contacted us regarding trading partner agreements.
I'm beginning to contact them since I don't want to hear for the first
time about a TPA  for a specific payer in July 2003.   One of the
executive staff members suggested giving potential trading partners a
deadline; essentially telling them that if we don't hear from you
regarding a TPA by 2/03 (or whatever) that we cannot enter into a TPA
until some future date and that they will receive only the transaction
as defined in the IG.  There may be a bit of naiveté in that at
suggestion, but I wondered if any providers were taking this kind of
approach with trading partners and if so, what you experience has been.


Christine Jensen
HIPAA Project Manager
Denver Health

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