
I'm trying to get an XML-RPC server running via SecureWebServer/
SecureXmlRpcClient (without SSL it works of course ;).

Unfortunately I couldn't find an example for use with SSL.

I've created the keys with the following commands (as described in

        keytool -genkey \
                -alias server \
                -keypass password \
                -keystore keystore \
                -storepass password \
                -validity 180

        keytool -export \
                -alias server \
                -keystore keystore \
                -keypass password \
                -storepass password \
                -rfc \
                -file testkeys.cer

        keytool -import \
                -alias server \
                -file testkeys.cer \
                -keystore truststore \
                -storepass password

I've copied them in a subdirectory of the server and the client.

The servers code is:

        SecurityTool.setKeyStore( "keys/keystore" );
        SecurityTool.setKeyStorePassword( "password" );
        SecurityTool.setKeyStoreType( "JKS" );
        SecurityTool.setKeyManagerType( "SunX509" );
        SecurityTool.setSecurityProtocol( "TLS" );

        SecureWebServer server = new SecureWebServer( 4711 );
        server.addHandler( "functions", new XMLRPCHandler() );

        server.setParanoid( false );

The client Code is:

        SecurityTool.setKeyStore( "keys/keystore");
        SecurityTool.setKeyStorePassword( "password");
        SecurityTool.setKeyStoreType( "JKS" );
        SecurityTool.setKeyManagerType( "SunX509" );
        SecurityTool.setSecurityProtocol( "TLS" );

        dbCon = new SecureXmlRpcClient( host, port );

The server runs and the client's SecureXmlRpcClient object is being
created but when I try to use execute, I get this exception on the

javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: \

and on the client:

java.io.IOException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No \
  trusted certificate found

Where's my mistake?
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