In article <>,
   Ralph Corderoy <> wrote:
> Hi Sarah,

> > Theo wrote:
> > > (This is how a lot of stuff gets developed,
> >
> > I do work in the industry, there's no need to patronise me.

> You could give Theo the benefit of the doubt: if there's no reason to
> think you work in the industry then why wouldn't he explain his
> argument?  Plus it's for the benefit of *all* readers.

> He's not being patronising, you're being chippy.

As I'm also just one of the readers here, and I've known of Theo for many
As someone not in the industry, whatever that industry might be? I
appreciate his thoughts on the matters in hand, as it helps me as a non
technical RISC OS enthusiast to understand some of what is being written.



Dave Triffid

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