i've attached two patches, who perhaps can get arround the langinfo.h problem for QNX systems

patch-ad: added AC_CHECK_HEADERS(langinfo.h), since this may be missing on other systems two
patch-ae: disable the function of xstrtolocale if HAVE_LANGINFO_H is not defined

perhaps this has a chance to go into the main rpm5 sources

Attachment: patch-ad
Description: Binary data

Attachment: patch-ae
Description: Binary data


Am 21.01.2008 um 16:00 schrieb Jeff Johnson:

On Jan 21, 2008, at 9:45 AM, Peter Kalbus wrote:

qnx currently does not contain langinfo.h nor is it planned to support it in the near future. on the other hand, the iconv library is available.

this leads to compilation errors in strtolocale.c. when iconv is available the file tries to get to call nl_langinfo(CODESET), which is part of langinfo.h.

i'm currently unclear, what the best solution colud be: a) try to get a langinfo implementation for qnx as part of the rpm5 patch for qnx, b) disable all the strtolocale.c features as if iconv is not available or c) don't know, if there are other options.

but i don't know the drawback of solution b, which is probably the simplest solution.

There are no drawbacks to disabling xstrtolocale() in rpmio/strtolocale.c because
the function is not used everywhere. Changing encoding from
UTF-8 to non-UTF-8 is hardly a MUSTHAVE feature since one can
always use a non-UTF8 encoded locale in the first place.

73 de Jeff
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