On Dec 7, 2010, at 12:39 PM, Eric MSP Veith wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010, 18:13:09 schrieb Jeff Johnson:
>> Perhaps I don't understand. What is the issue naming "rpm.so"?
> Ah, I wanted to be done with a simple "require 'rpm'" without too much behind-
> the-scenes-fiddeling with extra name mapping. Ruby modules and classes are 
> mutable, i.e.
> class Foo
>  def a
>  end
> end
> # ... code passes ...
> class Foo
>  def b
>  end
> end
> Leaves us with one class with two methods. This allows for some very elegant 
> Ruby ideoms.

Same deal in python. The subtley is sub-typing vs sub-classing, but
both are identically "elegant" (just sub-typing is hugely complex
to get into place because the entire implementation is in C, not python).

> It is AFAIK possible to do a "require 'libfoo_internal'" and having a call to 
> rb_define_module("Foo") in libfoo_internal.so. It's just not that pretty IMHO 
> and doesn't follow Ruby ideoms.
> But, nevertheless, I'll try to stick with the RPM naming scheme. If I 
> encounter problems, I'll cry for help. :-)

You will find that having an "rpm" container module isn't all that useful as you
proceed with other objects, just like "package" isn't a very useful abstraction
for "package management".

In python, this is dealt with like "_rpm.foo" and "_rpm.bar" where "foo" and 
are different types (think: classes) for python, but part of the same bottom
side "_rpm" module.

The module name is a directory from which __init__.py (the top side which loads
the bottom side) is loaded.

Having __init__.py permits manifest constants to be set simply by
editing __init__.py (rather than waiting around for years for RPM
to be upgraded, total waste of time imho).

See the PEP about "sub-typing" to see where the pain lies. "sub-classing"
is easy, "sub-typing" is hard. I wasted about a weekend sub-typing python
dicts polishing my PythonFu the hard way.


73 de Jeff
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