On Apr 10, 2011, at 10:01 AM, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:

> 2011/4/10 Per Ųyvind Karlsen <pkarl...@rpm5.org>:
>>  RPM Package Manager, CVS Repository
>>  http://rpm5.org/cvs/
>>  ____________________________________________________________________________
>>  Server: rpm5.org                         Name:   Per Ųyvind Karlsen
>>  Root:   /v/rpm/cvs                       Email:  pkarl...@rpm5.org
>>  Module: rpm                              Date:   10-Apr-2011 15:50:29
>>  Branch: HEAD                             Handle: 2011041013502801
>>  Added files:
>>    rpm/scripts             check-multiarch-files mkmultiarch
>>                            multiarch-dispatch multiarch-dispatch.h
>>                            multiarch-platform
>>  Modified files:
>>    rpm                     CHANGES
>>    rpm/macros              macros.rpmbuild.in
>>    rpm/scripts             Makefile.am
>>  Log:
>>    merge multiarch-utils from mandriva.
> *phew*
> With that, I'm aaalmost done merging, the only remaining script
> is the perl dependency extractor, which I want to rewrite a and
> improve a bit as well... I hate perl...

Careful here: every non-trivial change I've seen to perl(...) *RE's
ends up breaking something else.

You MUST run full distro regression tests to change perl(...)
dependencies or there will be endless "RPM sux" complaints.

There is rpmdeps --perl that was written to make the regression
test as painless as possible. 5+ years later, noone but me has ever
used afaik. But *please* verify regressions against a full distro
install (this can easily be fit under buildbot "continuous integration"
too) before muck-a-bout with the existing extraction.

Note also that the perl find requires/provides is written as separate
scripts. The morern (heh 8+ year old) invocation template is
and have *both* (and -C,--conflicts, -O--obsoletes for generality that
noone has ever attempted afaik) extractions resident in the same script.

Since every bleeping automated helper is implemented/delivered in its own 
language and noone (except Ville) is ever really bothering with maintaining
the patterns taht are in use, having a single script, using -P/-R as above
is MUSTHAVE. I can't possibly support/maintain scripts in every possible 
within RPM distributed code UNLESS its a single script. And even then I don't
think every scripts from possible interpreter language belong in rpmbuild 

There's most definitely a combinatorial failure distributing "fixes", and it
takes *years* to distribute/deploy even trivial 1-line changes if the scripts
are distributed with RPM. Enuf already ...

> I think the perl dependency extractor will be the only mandriva
> specific script left now, I think I'll just consider myself satisified
> with using it as is for now, then perhaps rewrite later..

Cool. You might want to send a list with desired priorities.
Why you are mucking about with perldeps rewrites after Mandriva
beta2 is no priority that I understand. Usually rp[mbuild is locked
into so so so much concrete by "beta2" that any change is impossible.

> At least now it's out there! :)
> I'll try merge the remaining macros from rpm-{mandriva,manbo}-setup
> into macros/mandriva or the corresponding macro files where
> appropriate, almooost done putting it to rest now.

Please try to do better wit Mandriva peculier dialect macros. Its
silly to check-in, and then have to move.

My criteria SHOULD be obvious:
        What is distributed by @rpm5.org MUST be vendor-neutral.
That is the policy since day -7 here @rpm5.org.

73 de Jeff

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