On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 18:27, Jeff Johnson <n3...@mac.com> wrote:
> On May 23, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Robert Xu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So now that it's clarified that RPMSENSE_MISSINGOK works... (I can
>> throw out this patch!
>> https://github.com/devzero2000/RPM/commit/21ee982d1655c3d8528ed4a32e821aec775ebe14)
> Yes you shouldn't need that patch with @rpm5.org.
>> So... now how could I revise these two patches?
>> https://github.com/devzero2000/RPM/commit/2a1443ea095ab3cb87fb593f459f299365e7919c
> This patch shouldn't hurt nor help much (its specific to --queryformat).
> The basic structure of --singleSprintf isn't radically different. Punt
> this one to me if you want and I'll figger out how/where the patch
> should be merged. At a first approximation you can likely run
> without the patch (but that's just a guess based on where --qf
> tends to be used).

I will assume for now that this isn't needed. When it comes to actual
testing, we'll see.

>> https://github.com/devzero2000/RPM/commit/225db4c7033e014f826fc50ab997f596882c3312
> This patch is needed if you want to build packages like SuSE
> does, with "weak dependencies" in explicit tag data. I can carry
> this @rpm5.org under
>        #ifdef RPM_VENDOR_OPENSUSE
> if there is interest.

Please do. :)

> That's where all of the above has been for 4+ years (7+ years if you go back
> to when RPMSENSE_MISSINGOK was originally proposed, and "weak dependencies"
> were mostly implemented a few months later). Its kinda hard to
> get excited about 7 year old implementations that haven't ever really
> been used or deployed widely (yes SuSE has, noone else I'm aware of).

True. For me, I can see usefulness in it, but for most other stuff,
it's just... not really useful.
It's like a comps.xml file in a spec file (if you get what I mean).

> hth
> 73 de Jeff

later, Robert Xu
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