> On Nov 28, 2016, at 11:35 AM, Jeffrey Johnson <n3...@me.com> wrote:
> Yes, there were quite a few checkins since I created the forks. I updated all 
> the
> repositories that did not need merging this weekend (but that wasn’t libhif).

rpm5/libhif:master is no sync’ed with “upstream”.

> Make yourself happy with libhif: all of my work was largely exploratory
> assessing what issues need to be solved. Feel free to clobber anything
> I checked in to start getting an easily updated master branch.
> I’ll create a “macports” branch for my MacPorts efforts going forward.
> Meanwhile its likely time to establish some structural cmake parameters for 
> porting use like
>       #ifdef  RPM5
> and
>       #ifdef  MACOSX
> on rpm5:master.

Most of the reason that I attempted to avoid compilation on MACOSX is
to avoid restructuring the CMAKE build beyond setting a prefix to /opt/local.

Since you (and most devels) are likely working on some linux machine, then its 
time to describe
the 3-5 cases that need to be handled with CMAKE include/library paths for a 
dnf port.

Case #1:        out-of-tree RPM5 is installed as “system” RPM
        CFLAGS needs -I/usr/include/rpm (and remove “rpm/“ #include prefix 
        LDFLAGS needs … -lrpm-5.4 -lrpmdb-5.4 -lrpmio-5.4 -lrpmmisc-5.4

Case #2: out-of-tree parallel install next to “system” RPM
        RPM5 has a build option
        to append VERSION to directories, executables, and libraries so that 
multiple versions
        of RPM can be installed in parallel. The option isn’t perfect: e.g. 
expect “make install”
        to clobber your existing rpm/rpmbuild before renaming with VERSION 
        most man pages and “rpm” locales will be clobbered, and modules (e.g. 
python) haven’t
        been attempted (but do have different names, and so won’t clobber 
rpm.org “system” modules.

        But with a little tinkeriing, one can pretty easily have multiple 
VERSIONS of RPM5 installed in parallel,
        and one can adjust RPM5 configuration macros to have multiple rpmdb’s 
etc etc.

        CFLAGS needs -I/usr/include/rpm-${VERSION}
        LDFLAGS needs $VERSION in *.la files (for *.a static archives) and (if 
you can’t live with linking only
                the last installed *.so) will need additional naming to use the 
full $VERSION in sonames which
                current use a $MAJOR-$$MINOR for libraries

Case #3: in-tree RPM builds from CVS but is not installed and “system"
        When RPM5 is built but not yet installed, include files and libtool 
*.la files are in these directories
        with the obvious changes to CFLAGS/LDFLAGS

Case #4: in-tree RPM builds from CVS with dnf integrated within the RPM CVS tree
        The RPM5 CVS tree is mostly easily extensible to build additional 
        permitting development from a single tree. This provides a single build 
of all
        components that simplifies, say, testing and continuous integration.

Case #5: configurable RPM builds to enable/disable internal/external components
        RPM5 has configure options to use either external (e.g. in /usr/lib) or 
        (e.g. top level subdirectories) that could be extended to accommodate 
dnf components.

Typical development on platforms that are already using RPM5 are case #1.

On platforms (like Fedora/Centos) that need rpm.org, case #2 using 
permits development. This is the end CMAKE problem that I need to solve on my 
Fedora/Centos boxes
(but I may just go back to MACOSX development).

There is likely some means to achieve case #3 already implemented (but its not 
exactly obvious)
in dnf, but RPM5 which uses libtool *.la files to implement embedding of 
internal components in
librpmisc.* will likely need some largish changes.

Cases #4 and #5 are included mostly for informational purposes. I will attempt 
@rpm5.org if/when the time comes.

The immediate need, however, is to start thinking/designing the changes to the 
existing dnf CMAKE build(s) that
can accommodate the above 5 usage cases with minimal configuration 
changes/efforts later.


73 de Jeff

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