gordonmessmer commented on this pull request.

> +        version_id = version_id[:-2]
+        version = RpmVersion(version_id)
+        lower_version = RpmVersion(version_id).increment()
+    else:
+        version = RpmVersion(version_id)
+        lower_version = version
+    return '(%s < %s or %s > %s)' % (
+        name, version, name, lower_version)
+def convert_ordered(name, operator, version_id):
+    if version_id.endswith('.*'):
+        version_id = version_id[:-2]
+        version = RpmVersion(version_id)
+        if '>' == operator:
+            operator = '>='
+            version.increment()

This is in the case that the version ends with `.*`.  Assuming that you mean `> 
2.5.*`, yes, that would be converted to `>= 2.6`.  I want to look at the spec 
again, because I no longer remember on what I based that conversion and it 
seems wrong.  pip seems happy with 1.0.0 matching 1>1.0.*`

$ pip install 'cairocffi > 1.0.*,< 1.0.1'
Collecting cairocffi<1.0.1,>1.0.*

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