On 10.02.2009 09:57, Dan Horák wrote:
Thorsten Leemhuis píše v Po 09. 02. 2009 v 19:58 +0100:
On 09.02.2009 14:28, Dan Horák wrote:
Thorsten Leemhuis píše v Ne 08. 02. 2009 v 10:06 +0100:
On 04.02.2009 14:24, Rex Dieter wrote:
Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
On 04.02.2009 14:00, Rex Dieter wrote:
Andrea Musuruane wrote:
In the meantime, I'll go adjust the wiki to move kde-redhat to the "compatible" section. :)
If RPM Fusion would have one big and/or multiple dedicated experimental repos, would kde-redhat then be interested into "merging" into RPM Fusion?
I'd like that to happen. What others think of the idea to start a experimental area and do the first steps with kde-redhat like repos?
I agree and would like join with some of my stuff.
Hmmm. kde-redhat is something special, so a dedicated repo for it makes a lot of sense afaics. But do you need to have your own dedicated experimental repo. Might a general experimental repo be a better solution? Not sure myself, just want to hear options...

Oh, I was thinking that we are going to offer a merger for the personal
or highly specialized repos into one experimental repo (if possible)
that will use RPM Fusion's infrastructure.
When there should be multiple repos, then I would prefer to divide them
by relation to Fedora/RPM Fusion (eg. experimental, backports) rather
then by area (kde, mono, math, ...)

A dedicated "math" repo like really is not needed -- those packages are likely more suitable for a general experimental and/or staging repo. But I guess some sort of spits by area will be needed -- I guess that (for example) the kde-redhat users likely don't want to get highly experimental graphics drivers from the same repo when they run yum-update.

Or how would you solve that? Excludes and includepkgs statements in the repo files are likely way to complicated...


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