On Friday, June 10, 2011, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
> 2011/6/10 Neal Becker <ndbeck...@gmail.com>:
> > I have rebuilt rpmfusion packages using nvidia 275.09.04 (beta) and
> > confirm (as many others have) that it fixes the problems with older
> > versions on F15, including konsole locking up the server, and
> > corruption.
> Resize in KDE as indeed written as fixed in the driver changelog, that
> been said this driver is still advertissed as beta. (The fix could
> have been made in the stable driver branch).
> So what I plan to do instead is to import the driver in rawhide and
> request users affected by this bug to use akmod-nvidia from rawhide.
> The other plan is to maintain another branch of the driver as
> nvidia-latest or nvidia-beta (which branch already exists). to provide
> another parallele driver.
> The problem with the current beta driver is that it has also other issues:
> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=163213
> Are you affected by this ?
> Nicolas (kwizart)

So far no problems, but I'll keep testing

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