Once upon a time, Alec Leamas <leamas.a...@gmail.com> said:
> It was a long time since I looked into Adobe Reader... are you
> saying there are already existing packages out there from Adobe?

Both Flash and Acrobat Reader are available from Adobe repos.  The only
issue is that Acrobat Reader is 32 bit only, and only available from
their 32 bit repo.  So, if you want it on x86_64, you have to add both
the 32 and 64 bit repos.

There are some other odd things about their Acrobat Reader packaing:

- There's a different RPM for each language - AdobeReader_XXX (for
  example, "AdobeReader_enu" for English).

- They bundle some libraries and didn't filter them from the RPM
  provides, so if you are not careful, you can try to install something
  and have yum/RPM think that the AdobeReader_XXX package provides the
  necessary libs.

I don't think there's any major issue like that with the Flash plugin
RPM.  I think it goes to the other extreme, filtering just about _all_
requirements and dependencies, but that's probably not an issue (since
the browser using Flash will probably have all the deps already loaded).

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>

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