Hello RPM Fusion developers.

I'm interested in adding AppData metadata for RPM Fusion.
This will make RPMFusion apps look better in gnome-software (the default
app installer in Fedora) and greatly improve our user experience. RPM
Fusion apps will be easily discoverable by users and will get more
exposure. Users will no longer need to use a command line to install VLC,
for example.

The AppData metadata includes simple XML files with app descriptions, and a
tarball of app icons.
They can be distributed in the rpmfusion-free-release and
rpmfusion-nonfree-release packages and will only add a couple more

They can also be distributed in a different package (that would be pulled
by a comps group like RPM Fusion already does for certain codecs), but the
user experience will suffer because the users need to run an update to get
the metadata.

The generated metadata can also contain screenshots, but those are not
installed on the user's computer but rather pulled from a web server.

I'm willing to help to get RPM Fusion to have application metadata, but I'm
unfamiliar with the rpmfusion infrastructure and workflows, so I'll need
help with someone who is familiar with rpmfusion more.

So, what do you say? Do you want RPM Fusion to have AppData metadata?

More info:


-Elad Alfassa.

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