
not that I'd oppose the idea as a whole, but I'm a bit concerned about this part:

The AppData metadata includes simple XML files with app descriptions, and
tarball of app icons.
They can be distributed in the rpmfusion-free-release and
rpmfusion-nonfree-release packages and will only add a couple more

from the user's point of view, even if it is only "a couple megabytes", I'm not that happy if my precious resources are eaten up by things I do not use (while not that important on a desktop with unlimited 100 Mbps internet connection, situation could be quite a different on some mobile device with pretty expensive mobile connection)

from the developers point of view, I just wonder what will happen with the icons packaged with the applications - are they going to be moved (i.e. a lot of cross-dependencies created and some extra work as we'd need to update two packages), or are they going to be duplicated (how will we ensure that it wouldn't get out of sync), or what?


p.s. somehow I cannot understand how do the translations work ...

Karel Volný
QE BaseOs/Daemons Team
Red Hat Czech, Brno
tel. +420 532294274
(RH: +420 532294111 ext. 8262074)
xmpp ka...@jabber.cz
:: "Never attribute to malice what can
::  easily be explained by stupidity."

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