On 09/01/2016 06:56 PM, Xavier Bachelot wrote:

Nicolas, can you share your thoughts on this?
libdvdcss's legal situation in Germany is widely unclear[1].

According to German laws cracking "wirksame technische Maßnahmen“ ("effective technical measures") of copy protection is unlawful.

The fundamental question in this context is: "Does CSS (still) qualify as an effective technical measures of copy protection?"

Answer: Nobody knows. Only courts would be able to answer this question.

I.e. the legal risks of libdvdcss have not changed for years, i.e. should libdvdcss binaries enter RPMFusion, esp. German RPMFusion mirror owners/mirror managers are not unlikely to be confronted with legal action.


[1] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libdvdcss

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