The constructor for RDataFrame is very conservative regarding that...
may be too much, the more I think about it.

I am considering making it accept any object that has the method
'items()' (which would at least cover TaggedList as well as regular
Python dictionaries).


On Fri, 2008-11-14 at 11:06 -0500, laurent oget wrote:
> I encountered the same issue a few weeks ago
> import array
> import rpy2.robjects as ro
> import rpy2.rlike.container as rlc
> x = ro.RVector(array.array('i', [1,2]))
> y = ro.RVector(array.array('i', [3,4]))
> tl = rlc.TaggedList([x, y], tags = ('x', 'y'))
> dataf = ro.RDataFrame(tl)
> Laurent
> 2008/11/13  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > this might be an trivial issue, bu I have trouble twisting my brain enough
> > to make this work.
> >
> > In our python-application ( we
> > use some R-code programmed by a research group we collaborate with. I know
> > next to nothing about R, but I made the transfer of arrays from Python to R
> > and back work eventually using rpy1 quite some time ago.  We managed to do
> > this without needing to save the data to the harddisk and then having to
> > read it with R. The code looks awkward I guess, but it worked for us which
> > is what mattered. This is the code using rpy1:
> >
> >
> > from rpy import *
> > from sensorytools import SensoData
> >
> > data = SensoData('C:\Work\PanelCheck\Methods\Niels\october\Ost.txt')
> > rawScores = data.MatrixData().copy()
> > rawLables = data.MatrixLables().copy()
> > raw = hstack((rawLables, rawScores))
> > atts = data.Attributes()
> > lables = data.Lables()
> > colNames = lables + atts
> >
> > # Cannot use attributes list as it is, because strings are in unicode,
> > which causes rpy to crash
> > # Need to convert unicode-strings to non-unicode strings
> > convAtts = []
> > for attribute in colNames:
> >    convAtts.append(attribute.encode("latin-1"))
> >
> > # Need to transpose the raw data matrix since rpy transposes it when
> > transferring it to an R-data frame
> > part = transpose(raw[:,:].copy())
> >
> > # Constructing the data frame in R
> > # Switch to 'no conversion', such that everything that is created now is a
> > R object.
> > set_default_mode(NO_CONVERSION)
> > names = r.get('names<-')
> >
> > frame = r.data_frame(x=part)
> > frame = names(frame, convAtts)
> > r.print_(frame)
> >
> > # Switch back to basic conversion, so that variable "res" (which contains
> > the results; see below)
> > # will be a python list and not a R object
> > set_default_mode(BASIC_CONVERSION)
> >
> > # Now running Per Brockhoff's R-function to analyse the data in the
> > constructed data frame and store
> > # results in variable "res"
> > r('source("C:/Work/PanelCheck/Methods/Niels/october/sensmixed.R")')
> > res = r.sensmixed(frame)
> >
> >
> > Here are the files to make this work for those who would like to try it
> > out:
> > (See attached file: Ost.txt)(See attached file:
> > attached file: sensmixed.R)
> >
> >
> > Now we are trying to make the switch to rpy2. Using the RDataFrame
> > constructor won't do it probably, since the order of the data will be lost.
> > That is at least what I understood from the rpy2-documentation.
> > Constructing the data frame in R (by using read.table) makes us save the
> > numpy array to the harddisk first and then read it again in R via
> > read.table(), which is what we would like to avoid.
> >
> > Is there an obvious way to do this? Is there more information on TaggedList
> > instances?
> > Any help is much appreciated!
> >
> >
> > BTW, I think you guys do really a great job with rpy!
> >
> > Cheers
> > Oliver
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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