Thanks! (I probably never would have come up with those.) FWIW, I also 
just stumbled across the option of doing numpy.array(summary[3]) which 
gives me a 3x4 array that I can index normally. So, I appear to be fully 
up-and-running now. Thanks!


P.S. The impetus for the switch was a kind of icky segfault with rpy when 
I was sequentially creating lots and lots (20,000+) data frames from 
dictionaries. I thought I recalled mail-list comments about memory issues 
with rpy, so I thought I'd try rpy2. And, rpy2 is cruising along smoothly 
(45,000 and counting). :-) Great work!

On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, laurent oget wrote:

> I do std-error=r['$'](summary,'sigma')
> I think r.names(summary) will give you the components.
> Laurent
> 2008/12/12 Gary Strangman <>:
>> Hi again,
>> Forgive me if this is a completely silly question for rpy2. I'm trying to
>> wean myself from rpy, but am confused by the new approach to conversion.
>> If I fit a model and collect summary info as follows ...
>> fit = robjects.r.lm(fmla,data)
>> summary = robjects.r.summary(fit)
>> ... the summary variable comes back to python as an RVector. In rpy, it
>> was a dictionary, so if I wanted the coefficient/t-test summary-table I
>> could ask (in python) for summary['coefficients']. In rpy2 it appears I
>> have to ask for summary[3]. That's fine (harder to remember, but fine).
>> However, I can't seem to access any but the first column of the table. To
>> get a nice table I can ...
>>>>> print summary[3]
>>               Estimate Std. Error    t value    Pr(>|t|)
>> (Intercept) 10.9205792  2.9934159  3.6481997 0.001341692
>> prerbmt      0.4226101  0.1729016  2.4442236 0.022599474
>> mri         -0.3495370  0.7497424 -0.4662095 0.645450898
>> ... and if I want the estimate for the 2nd coefficient ...
>>>>> print summary[3][1]
>> 0.4226101
>> But how do I get at the standard errors (or T-values) from python? Or is
>> there a better way to get at the contents of the returned results than
>> integer indexing?
>> More generally, how can one figure out what the components are for the
>> returned RVectors when calling R functions? The examples on the website
>> (nice doc, by the way!) appear to be oriented towards simply displaying
>> the results of R computations rather than retrieving R results for further
>> processing in python.
>> -best
>> Gary
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