Hi! I'm trying to test the deviance for a set of linear models obtained from lme4::lmer() via RPy. As you can see in this notebook http://nbviewer.ipython.org/urls/gist.github.com/TheChymera/7396334/raw/20c7878456fea4c05e1889d566ab1e5b20bc90bb/nlme-aov that fails. It works perfectly in R though, and it works both in R and RPy for stats::lm() instead of lme4::lmer() (you can see the successful output for that in this thread on stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19928662/call-anova-on-lme4-lmer-output-via-rpy ).

So this seems to be some collision of RPy with lme4 specifically. I cannot figure out anything more precisely since both RPy and lme4 seem to work fine independently.

Could you help me out?


Horea Christian

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