On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 08:47:34PM +0100, Tobias Oetiker wrote:
> except that normally multi argument updates are with 100s of
> updates, so that should not matter much ...

>From the daemon to the RRD file, there are 100s of updates per file.

However, when polling there is normally one update per file per "step"
interval..  The poller --> daemon is the source of the small writes.  If
there is a poller that is coalescing 100s of updates before sending to
rrdcached, it is essentially duplicating the functionality of rrdcached.

>> [implementation of batch API removed]
> this sounds fine, except that I wonder if it is necessary at all.

I just wanted to open for discussion in case there was a lot of
interest...  I agree that it's not necessary via the API.  The result may
be cumbersome.

> If someone wants to write 'for the daemon' they can easily talk to
> to the daemon directly.

In my current setup, I am connecting directly to the daemon.  The protocol
is simple enough to implement (thanks Florian), so implementing a client
should not be a burden on anyone that needs extreme update rates.

>From my initial list, that leaves only the small clean-up items.  I should
be done with those by the end of the week.

 kevin brintnall =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

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