Thorsten von Eicken wrote:
>> 37.1 % of the time it spent in “handle_request_update” the daemon is
>> actually waiting for “realloc”. This is (to me) very unexpected and a
>> schoolbook example of “measure before you optimize”.
>> I think we can get rid of this bottleneck by writing a specialized
>> version of “rrd_add_strdup” which reallocates powers of ten. Something
>> like:
>> [...]
>> It'd be great if you could give the attached patch a try
> spends all of its time (more than 99 %) in “realloc”. So in consequence
> Test is running, including Kevin's simplification... Thanks for the 
> help!!!
Things are again looking much better, almost great I should say! The one 
thing that still makes me a bit uncomfortable is that at the end of the 
second hour of run-time there was a cpu spike which caused collectd to 
grow rapidly. (Still using -w 3600 -z 3600 -f 7200, I put a load of ~50k 
tree nodes right from the start.) You can see the graphs at look for the rrdcached-6* series. It 
flattens out nicely after the spike, but it's one of those things that 
tend to bite sooner or later. I'm not sure what to do about it.

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