On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 09:52:15AM -0700, Thorsten von Eicken wrote:
> Quick follow-up. I decided to add another 3k updates per second (extra 
> 30k tree nodes) to my test run. See results in
> http://www.voneicken.com/dl/rrd/rrdcached-7.png
> What's interesting is that the server got somewhat overloaded sitting a 
> lot in I/O wait. By and large the flush queue length remained under 
> control, except when doing backups (10pm, 8:30am). Memory usage by 
> rrdcached and collectd remained under control, but there is a long term 
> upward-trending slope to rrdcached's memory usage which is not good. 
> Possibly related to the power-of-two allocator patch that Florian 
> provided. The graph I find the most interesting one is the disk sdk disk 
> ops (3rd from the end). Before adding the last chunk of traffic the disk 
> load was write-dominated, which means that rrds were mostly cached in 
> memory (5-6 GB left after the processes). After adding the extra load 
> the disk load became read-dominated indicating that the rrd working set 
> exceeded memory.


If you're becoming read dominated, you should consider lowering your file
update/sec rate by increasing your -w/-f timers.  This just trades one
kind of cache memory (f/s blocks) for another (update strings).

I'm sending a linear chunk allocator along for allocating
cache_item_t.values in operator-defined block sizes..  I'd appreciate if
you'd test it with your load to see if it reduces your CPU usage related
to frequent realloc().

 kevin brintnall =~ /kbr...@rufus.net/

> Thorsten
> Thorsten von Eicken wrote:
> > Thorsten von Eicken wrote:
> >   
> >>> 37.1 % of the time it spent in ?handle_request_update? the daemon is
> >>> actually waiting for ?realloc?. This is (to me) very unexpected and a
> >>> schoolbook example of ?measure before you optimize?.
> >>>
> >>> I think we can get rid of this bottleneck by writing a specialized
> >>> version of ?rrd_add_strdup? which reallocates powers of ten. Something
> >>> like:
> >>>
> >>> [...]
> >>>
> >>> It'd be great if you could give the attached patch a try
> >>>       
> >> spends all of its time (more than 99 %) in ?realloc?. So in consequence
> >> Test is running, including Kevin's simplification... Thanks for the 
> >> help!!!
> >>     
> > Things are again looking much better, almost great I should say! The one 
> > thing that still makes me a bit uncomfortable is that at the end of the 
> > second hour of run-time there was a cpu spike which caused collectd to 
> > grow rapidly. (Still using -w 3600 -z 3600 -f 7200, I put a load of ~50k 
> > tree nodes right from the start.) You can see the graphs at 
> > http://www.voneicken.com/dl/rrd/ look for the rrdcached-6* series. It 
> > flattens out nicely after the spike, but it's one of those things that 
> > tend to bite sooner or later. I'm not sure what to do about it.
> > Thorsten
> >
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