At 14:16 2003-05-23, Austin Swinney wrote:
 >I'm working on my-frirst-rrd. I'm creating a rrd for load percentages on APC
 >web/SNMP sets.
 >MS1-4 are power strips on a single APC head.  The range is 0 to 100 percent.
 >The error I get is:
 >ERROR: can't parse argument 'DS:MS1:GAUGE:0.5:1:100'

I envy you your hardware that you can afford to poll at least once every 
half second. :-)  The place you've put "0.5" is the "heartbeat".  This is 
how often (in seconds) you must update the RRD to avoid having unknown data 
points added.  I usually set it to 2*step so I can miss one update and 
rrdtool will fudge it.  This is a hold-over from when my polling mechanism 
was too slow.  The heartbeat has to be at least as large as the 
step.  Where you set it depends on what you want rrdtool to do when you're 
not on time.

 >As far as I can tell from the docs, everything is right.  Thoughts?
 >rrdtool create loadpercent.rrd --start `date +%s` --step 300 \
 >DS:MS1:GAUGE:0.5:0:100 \
 >DS:MS2:GAUGE:0.5:0:100 \
 >DS:MS3:GAUGE:0.5:0:100 \
 >DS:MS4:GAUGE:0.5:0:100 \
 >RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:24 \
 >RRA:MIN:0.5:1:24 \
 >RRA:MAX:0.5:1:24 \
 >RRA:LAST:0.5:1:24 ;
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Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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