> From: Robin Whittle <r...@firstpr.com.au>

    > Debating various aspects of LISP with Joel

Err, 'Noel'.

    > As far as I know, no-one in the main LISP team has developed a better
    > mapping system or suggested that one should or will be developed
    > ...
    > Please mention what this is, with references.

After a great deal of work (extensive detailed simulation, etc), a paper has
been written and submitted to a conference, but it's not public quite yet.
Hopefully it will be public Real Soon. (Sorry, but it's not a paper I had
anything to do with, so I don't feel I can say more than that - I merely
commented privately on a draft.) Work has started on a spec, but again it's
still not public, alas.

However, the Map-Resolver/Map-Server interface to the mapping system, which
allows use of different mapping system 'back-ends' is already fully public.

    >> In light of that, you might want to move the ALT discussion to the
    >> end, and clearly separate it from the discussion of LISP as a whole.

    > Since I don't yet know what the alternative is, my critique is of LISP
    > with ALT.

Understood, but that does not vitiate either half of the suggestion above.
After all, as I pointed out, the mapping service interface _is_ already

    > I know there is a view that the delays which can easily be foreseen in
    > LISP-ALT are not significant enough to prevent it being adopted widely
    > enough to solve the routing scaling problem. I and some other people
    > disagree with this viewpoint.

Pointing out the delays is fine. It's the flat assertion that this will
produce a certain result out in the world I'm questioning. E.g. have you gone
around to a significant subset of ISPs/large-content-providers, and asked
them if these delays are unsupportable? If not, then the statement is merely
your subjective, personal, opinion.

    > With a global query server network, the delay in getting mapping will
    > frequently be longer than this, since the answer has to come from the
    > other side of the planet, which typically takes 350 to 400ms.

There have been discussions on caching mappings in the Map-Resolvers, which
will remove this delay for 'popular' destinations.

    > I assert that any global query server system for mapping lookups will
    > involve a significant performance degradation - sufficient to affect
    > the experience of users. I also assert that even if the measured impact
    > on end-users is minimal, the perception of this reduced performance
    > will significantly reduce the chance of widespread voluntary adoption
    > to a degree which threatens the ability of the system to solve the
    > routing scaling problem.

And I assert the contrary. Arbitrary assertions, with no supporting evidence,
have no place in this document.

    > Every time an LISP-MN gets a new RLOC address ... then all the ITRs in
    > the world need to suddenly change their mapping to the new RLOC address.

No, only the ones the LISP-MN is currently communicating with. Why would some
ITR which has never communicated with the MN, and never will, need the updated

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