Hello Robin

I think that Christian has answered this in 


Page 9, sections Initial Address exchange and Address Updates.


>>  Christian really needs to answer this.  I can imagine a more complex

>> construct for "Identifier", such as "combination of FQDN and one or 
>> more Locators from the set of allowed Locators returned by DNS.  But 
>> it is messy, more complex than the Identifier construct of other CEE 
>> architectures I know of so far - and it is not necessarily what 
>> Christian has in mind.
> I don't understand why this should be a complex matter.
> A trivial solution:
> DNS rotates the order of the IPs in the reply.
> The NBS host picks the first address.
> The rest of the communication is dealt with between those two

>But then the FQDN no longer refers to a specific host.  It refers to
one of several 
>hosts, each of which has a different IP address.

>How do those hosts represent themselves to others?  You can't have
physical host X 
>and physical host Y both with the same Identifier, since Identifiers
>identify hosts.

>I think Christian does need to respond to this, rather than us trying
to imagine how
> he must be intending to solve it, and then debating the merits of the
solution we 
> assume he has in mind.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: rrg-boun...@irtf.org [mailto:rrg-boun...@irtf.org] On 
>Behalf Of ext Robin Whittle
>Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 05:59
>To: RRG
>Subject: Re: [rrg] Name Based Sockets alternative critique
>Short version:     Why it is frequently important that a responding
>                   host verify the Identity of the host which will
>                   recieve the reply packet it sends.
>                   Whether it will be difficult to modify and debug
>                   applications to do both NBS and non-NBS
>                   communications.
>                   CEE multihoming chews address space at 2, or 3 or
>                   more times the rate at which it is actually used -
>                   so CEE is unsuitable for IPv4.
>Hi Javier,
>>>> I don't see why you would claim that it is only practical for IPv6.
>>>> If it is due NAT:s, then please see reply below.
>>> Christian writes that there's no way of introducing the 
>extra things 
>>> needed for NBS into IPv4 packets without making them incompatible 
>>> with existing hosts:
>> Sorry, that slipped my mind.
>> http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2005/EECS-2005-24.pdf
>Thanks for pointing to this paper - which I hadn't seen:
>   IP Options are not an option
>   Rodrigo Fonseca, George Porter, Randy H. Katz,
>   Scott Shenker and Ion Stoica, CS at UCLA
>   2005-12-09
>> However, talking to Christian I have understood there is a route to 
>> overcome this. I don't feel to confident on the details, so I'll 
>> happily leave that for a later e-mail. :)
>>> Also, for any CEE architecture such as NBS, to multihome a network, 
>>> such as a /20, would require at least two /20 prefixes of PA space, 
>>> one from each ISP.  This would double address consumption - 
>so no CEE 
>>> architecture will ever be practical for IPv4.
>> Here's a good point, one that I don't feel I have an 
>immediate answer 
>> to (which is good :)
>> However, to extrapolate that to "... no CEE architecture 
>will ever be 
>> practical for IPv4." is quite a jump.
>I don't think so.  Multihoming with any CEE requires at least 
>two global unicast addresses for each host.
>Its an open-and-shut case.  There's nothing more to say - 
>there's no way this could be used as a scalable routing 
>solution for IPv4 to to the shortage of IPv4 global unicast 
>address space.
>> My spontaneous reaction is "more NAT".
>Yes, but however you use the space, multihoming with CEE 
>requires at least two global unicast addresses for each 
>address which can actually be used by a host, a NAT box or 
>whatever.  CES enables close to 100% efficient use of global 
>unicast address space.  For portability alone, CEE could be 
>the same - just have a single upstream ISP and so each host 
>has a single IP address.  But a major purpose of scalable 
>routing is multihoming, and CEE will always have an address 
>usage efficiency of 50%, 33% 25% or whatever depending on the 
>number of upstream ISPs used, while CES will always have an 
>efficiency close to 100%.
>The only inefficiency of CES is devoting one or two or three 
>address to one or two or three  (two or more for multihoming) 
>ETRs for a given end-user network, which could have one, ten, 
>ten thousand or whatever actively used SPI (Ivip) addresses in 
>use.  It may be possible to have those ETRs serve multiple 
>end-user networks, so the efficiency becomes closer still to 100%.
>> My guess is also that I'm quite alone on this list not to 
>consider NAT 
>> to be an abomination from the 6th circle of hell. :) Hosts 
>have become 
>> pretty good at perforating NATs, and infrastructures for 
>e.g. STUN and 
>> Teredo are ubiquitous, readily available and free to use.
>> I'm going to have to return this point.
>NAT is no barrier to any client-server protocol where the 
>client is behind NAT and initiates the communication - 
>provided there are enough keepalives to keep the NAT box on 
>its toes.  The difficulty is some other host sending packets 
>to that host behind NAT.
>>>> Yes, there will be an initial query to DNS, and that 
>requirement is 
>>>> ubiquitous to software today.
>>> Please see my previous messages:
>>>   http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/rrg/current/msg05906.html
>>>   Today's "IP addr. = ID = Loc" naming model should be retained
>>>   http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/rrg/current/msg05864.html
>> Yep, moved over the rest of that discussion to that thread.
>OK - I look forward to you discussing that message.
>>>>>    How is this exchange secured against the reply being spoofed by
>>>>>    an attacker?  (Maybe it doesn't have to be.)
>>>> ATM, it's not secured. This is definitively worth 
>exploring further.
>>> Yes.
>>>>>    How are the Initial Address Exchange and subsequent Address
>>>>>    Exchanges secured against spoofed packets?
>>>> ATM, it's not, also a point that needs to be explored.
>>> This is what I am doing.  Thanks for discussing it.
>> I don't really see why you _have_ to do this.
>I am not suggesting that every communication requires it, but 
>I think many or most do.
>> Why do you _have_ to have verification at the 
>network/transport layers?
>> In the FQDN => IP world we live in, this authentication is 
>done at the 
>> application layer (and that is where it, in my opinion belongs).
>> Again, see the "Re: [rrg] Another concern about using FQDNs as host
>> idenfieirs//re: A concern with ILNP//re: critique of RANGI" thread.
>Today, web servers create log files in which the IP address of 
>the client is important.  This involves no extra work, because 
>with the TCP-based communications, the IP address of the 
>client is known - and this is the client's Identifier.
>Now let's consider a CEE architecture such as NBS - and all 
>such architectures implement a separate objects for Locator 
>and Identifier.
>Let's say your desktop computer had an Identifier "jav-pc.sics.se"
>and I want to cause you trouble by posting an inane or insane 
>comment on some blog of forum discussion site, as if you had 
>written it.  I configure my PC that its Identifier is 
>"jav-pc.sics.se" and use it to connect to the blog server and 
>leave the stupid message.  If the blog server does not do a 
>DNS lookup on the Identifier my PC provides in its initial 
>packets, then it will not realise that the Locator of my PC is 
>not one which is returned when looking up "jav-pc.sics.se".
>I think the blog server should do the lookup before bothering 
>to reply to the SYN packet my PC sends.  If it did so, it 
>would recognise that the SYN packet had a bogus Identifier - 
>so it should ignore it and perhaps record the details in a 
>security log.
>If the blog server doesn't check, it carries on and I get to 
>post the comments.  In the blog-server log, and in the 
>footnotes to the comments that everyone can read, will be 
>"jav-pc.sics.se" - so it appears you wrote the comments, for 
>instance if it can easily be seen that you genuinely did post 
>comments on this or other blog sites using the host with the 
>Identifier "jav-pc.sics.se".
>Now the log file and display on the blog site may well also 
>include the IP address - which could be quite a long piece of 
>text assuming this is IPv6.
>In later disputing whether these comments were yours or not, 
>you might point to the fact that the IP address is in 
>Australia and your PC is in Sweden.  Maybe so, right now . . . 
>but your host is defined by its Identifier, and Identifiers 
>are entirely portable.  You could use your identifier with any 
>physical host in the world which you had access to - that's 
>the whole idea of portability.
>How could you prove that at the time the comments were posted, 
>that you did not have my Locator as one of the Locators for 
>host "jav-pc.sics.se" in your DNS?
>I think there are lots of communications today where the 
>simple fact of replying to an IP address to commence a 
>communication, or even to be the sole form of communication, 
>is made so much easier due to the fact that we can trust the 
>routing system not to deliver the packet to any other host but 
>the host with the Identity of that destination IP address.
>To replicate this in NBS or any other CEE architecture, the 
>respondent needs to look up the Identifier which came in the 
>initiator's packet, and only continue if the lookup includes a 
>Locator which matches the Locator in that packet.
>People complain about the architectural inelegance of having 
>the IP address perform both Locator and Identifier roles, but 
>it actually makes lots of things easier for hosts.  When you 
>look in detail at what a CEE host has to do to have the same 
>confidence in responding to a packet, you find the responding 
>host has to do work, make a DNS request, wait for the reply 
>and then do some more work before it can be confident of using 
>pair of Identifer and Locator in its reply packet.
>>>>>    How does NBS perform the equivalent of "round-robin 
>DNS" - where
>>>>>    a FQDN DNS lookup returns multiple IP addresses, each one being
>>>>>    for a separate host?  Initially I thought that the FQDN played
>>>>>    the role of both "Text name" and "Identifier", with the role of
>>>>>    "Locator" being played by one or more IP addresses.  
>However, to
>>>>>    do this load-distributing "round-robin DNS", NBS hosts must
>>>>>    distinguish between other hosts not just by their FQDN, but the
>>>>>    combination of a single FQDN and one or more IP addresses.
>>>> Good point, but I don't see this as a great problem. It's a local 
>>>> policy decision. A trivial solution could be to pick a random IP 
>>>> from the returned set. And let the two communicating peers manage 
>>>> the rest (by exchanging sets of IP).
>>> Christian really needs to answer this.  I can imagine a 
>more complex 
>>> construct for "Identifier", such as "combination of FQDN and one or 
>>> more Locators from the set of allowed Locators returned by 
>DNS.  But 
>>> it is messy, more complex than the Identifier construct of 
>other CEE 
>>> architectures I know of so far - and it is not necessarily what 
>>> Christian has in mind.
>> I don't understand why this should be a complex matter.
>> A trivial solution:
>> DNS rotates the order of the IPs in the reply.
>> The NBS host picks the first address.
>> The rest of the communication is dealt with between those 
>two endpoints.
>But then the FQDN no longer refers to a specific host.  It 
>refers to one of several hosts, each of which has a different 
>IP address.
>How do those hosts represent themselves to others?  You can't 
>have physical host X and physical host Y both with the same 
>Identifier, since Identifiers uniquely identify hosts.
>I think Christian does need to respond to this, rather than us 
>trying to imagine how he must be intending to solve it, and 
>then debating the merits of the solution we assume he has in mind.
>> There is no shared state, there are no more lookups in DNS, the 
>> relation betwen FQDN and IP is no longer important, the FQDN-string 
>> has been degraded to a localscope handle.
>So if the same application later opens a second socket to the 
>same FQDN, then it might get a different physical host's IP address?
>I don't think this is how NBS is intended to work - but that's 
>just my speculation.  We need Christian to further this discussion.
>>> Each application would need to work with a mixture of NBS hosts and 
>>> applications and and non-NBS hosts and applications, and be able to 
>>> operate without an NBS stack.  Writing and debugging this would be 
>>> absolute hell.
>> If the implementation is backwards compatible, this should 
>be trivial.
>I still believe that writing and debugging any CEE application 
>which has to also work with non-CEE hosts, and also work in 
>non-CEE mode entirely when it operates on a stack without CEE 
>enhancements, would be a nightmare.
>The application might be dealing simultaneously with any 
>number of other hosts.  Some will have an NBS stack and an NBS 
>upgraded application.  Some will have NBS stacks but not the 
>NBS upgraded application.  So those, and the hosts with no NBS 
>stack (irrespective of the NBS status of their apps) will need 
>to be handled in a different manner from the hosts which do 
>support NBS.
>When a remote host has a non-NBS app (irrespective of the NBS 
>status of its stack) then the app on our host has to talk the 
>version of the app's protocol which predates whatever changes 
>were made to the protocol in order for it to be compatible with NBS.
>I am not saying it can't be done - I am just saying that it 
>would often be a very difficult task.  Some apps would be 
>easy.  Anything which simply opens a single TCP session with a 
>host as defined by a FQDN will obviously be easy to rewrite for NBS.
>- Robin
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