I was referring to your 'draft-rja-ilnp-intro-03.txt.'


On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Dae Young KIM <dy...@cnu.ac.kr> wrote:
> OK, let's get back to the bottom.
> [Point of Attchment]
>  In sentence 2, paragraph 1 on page 3, you said:
>  s1: “The Locator indicates the subnetwork point of attachment for a node.”
> Usually, point of attachment(PoA) is used interchangeably with
> interface if I'm not wrong. For example, the following two statements
> are usually regarded as the same:
>  o An IP address names an interface of a node to a subnetwork.
>  o An IP address names a PoA of a node to a subnetwork.
> You then say in the subsequent sentence that
>  s2: “The Locator names a subnetwork.”
> The two statements, s1 and s2, are inconsistent, at least to me. s1
> should be removed or rephrased like:
>  s1’: “The Locator indicates the subnetwork where a node resides in.”
> A further example might be:
>  - If your Locator indicates the PoA to a subnetwork, the Locator for
> each node in the same subnetwork would be different.
>  - However, if your Locator would indicate the subnetwork itself, as
> it does now, the Locator would be the same for all nodes in the same
> subnetwork.
> In essense, I thought that
>  - Neither ID nor Locator of ILNP names an interface.
>  - ILNP has got rid of the notion/use of PoA numbering.
> ..which I'd find one of the most significant step you have taken to
> fix part of the flaw of the Internet architecture... which I'd take
> high.
> Regards,
> DY
> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Tony Li <tony...@tony.li> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The tone of this is going south in a hurry.  Can we please back up?
>> Everyone here needs to act professionally and reasonably.  It is not
>> unreasonable to have to read the draft before commenting.  It is wholly
>> reasonable for an author to respond to questions from those that have read
>> the draft.  It is wholly unprofessional to demand an email based tutorial
>> not having read the basics.
>> Let's behave ourselves, please.
>> Regards,
>> Tony
>> On 4/1/10 5:30 PM, "Dae Young KIM" <dy...@cnu.ac.kr> wrote:
>>> Ran,
>>> Have you ever imagine this case?:
>>>   - You think you made a complete presentation/document so that there
>>> are no more uncertainty.
>>>   - Others will still find difficulty or further curiosity in details
>>> of some part of your material.
>>> The material might be perfect from your perspective since the whole
>>> idea is in your brain. I'm wondering whether the same brain image
>>> could have reloaded to those of others intact. Even so, there might be
>>> points you forgot/did not think important/ to elaborate more.
>>> Of course, I read your material, still, being so dumber than you are,
>>> I still have questions.
>>> Ran, I like your proposal and try to find more reasons to defend yours
>>> than to destroy it. If you don't mind whether those dumb guys out
>>> there catch up with your smart brain, then let it be.
>>> Regards,
>>> DY
>>> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 12:37 AM, RJ Atkinson <rja.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 01  Apr 2010, at 08:56, someone wrote:
>>>>> The available documents at your site:
>>>>>  http://ilnp.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/
>>>>> consists of 3 talks from 2008, 4 Internet Drafts and 10 papers.
>>>>> Do you expect ... anyone ... interested in ILNP to read through
>>>>> all of these ...
>>>> It seems entirely reasonable to expect that participants in the
>>>> RRG would at least read the applicable Internet-Drafts first.
>>>> I did that for multiple proposals.  Most other Routing RG folks
>>>> also did that for multiple proposals.  This is common practice
>>>> and normal expectation in the IRTF (and for that matter, in the
>>>> IETF also).
>>>> It isn't difficult or especially time consuming to scan through
>>>> viewgraphs, so many people would choose to do that as a fast way
>>>> to learn the basics of any proposal.  Often having graphics
>>>> helps makes ideas more clear.
>>>> IRTF Routing RG time, including ILNP, is not part of my job,
>>>> unlike for some people here.  Regrettably that really does
>>>> mean that my time available for RRG is limited.
>>>> Yours,
>>>> Ran
>>>> PS:  I'll try to get my colleague to update the ILNP project
>>>>     web site, but that could take several days to happen...
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