Much Earlier, Tony Li wrote:
>> Given that ILNP identifiers are not global, 
>> doing identification purely on identifier
>> is not going to help. 

This is precisely true, but a bit misleading.
ILNP has 2 different classes of Identifier,
global-scope and local-scope.  

The normal case is to use a global-scope Identifier.

The binding between the Identifiers and the Locators
for a node, and between the FQDN and both Identifiers 
and Locators can all be cryptographically authenticated
using DNSsec.  (Maybe 2 years ago, it was not so clear
that DNSsec deployment would happen soon, but actually
the speed of DNSsec deployment is quite rapid now,
so using DNSsec is quite reasonable for ILNP.)

The local-scope Identifier capability exists primarily 
to handle uncommon special cases (e.g. people who want 
to use CGAs, or who want to use HIP-like Identifier 
values [e.g. based on a hash of a public key]) or who
have some other special use model.  As with all choices,
the choice to deploy a local-scope Identifier has
implications for the deployment overall.

There is a single bit in the EUI-64 which indicates
whether a given EUI-64 is local-scope or global-scope.
So it is trivial to determine which scope a given 
Identifier value possesses.

Tony's original comment is precisely correct in that 
when one is using a local-scope Identifier there is an 
extremely small, but non-zero, probability that 2 nodes 
would accidentally generate the same Identifier value 
in overlapping timeframes.  However, by the existing ARP
and Neighbour Discovery (ND) mechansisms, it is NOT
possible for 2 nodes to use the same Identifier on
the same subnet (i.e. with the same Locator value) 
at the same time.

Now, as [CERT CA-1995-01] explained 15 years ago, it is
already both trivially easy and common to forge IP addresses.
The same half-hearted risk reduction measures that are
(partly) deployed today, namely uRPF checks, work equally
well with Locator values as they do with the routing prefix
portion of the IP address.

So if one applies existing uRPF checks against Locator
values (which is only sensible and no additional 
implementation work or deployment work than the existing 
uRPF checks) and then uses the Identifier in the place of 
the IP address in one's rule set, one gets equivalent security 
and equivalent assurance as with today's deployed IP Internet.

Now, if a node C is trying to impersonate another 
node A that is legitimately talking with B, the 
impersonation still won't work.  If the packet with 
C's Locator and A's Identifier reaches B (and it ought not, 
since the ACL rule can be automatically updated - details 
below), then B will check the received ID & Locator values 
against its local session cache and discover that C's Locator 
is not associated with A's Identifier and realise that it 
is either a forgery or a new session connection attempt.  
This implementation issue is discussed at more length 
in one of the ILNP I-Ds.

Later, Patrik Frejborg wrote:
> But then we are back in the renumbering challenge, 
> if the partner changes his locator value I have 
> to change my rule base simultaneously 

This turns out to be trivial, because the partner
will always send an ICMP Locator Update message,
which can be authenticated, to provide the new
Locator values.

Since the seecurity appliance is along the path
from source to destination, the security appliance
will always see the ICMP Locator Update message
and can update the set of valid Locator bindings
by itself instantly.[1]

We talk about this in one of the MILCOM papers
in more detail than I am writing down in this note.
Our example in that paper relates to NAT and updating
the NAT session state, but there is no fundamental 
difference between updating NAT session state and
updating an ACL rule.

> - and we are not 
> really improving mobility here (either worsening it
> from current solution).

Actually, mobility is MUCH improved here, for the
reasons I've outlined above -- dynamic changes to
location automatically cause the ACLs to be instantly

> It would be nice if the identifier could be used to
> limit access to my server farm, the final authentication
> is then done (by e.g. IPsec)  by the server.

In the normal case it can be done that way, since in
the normal case Identifier values are global-scope.

> It seems that the firewalls should move towards
> DNS based filtering solutions.

Yes, and that is true even if none of the Routing RG
proposals get adopted, because it mitigates risks
in the current deployed Internet.

> I'm exploring the capabilities and limitations of the 
> ILNP identifier, also renumbering - if renumbering could be 
> made easier we would have a business case at the enterprises.

A good paper to read is [MILCOM09].

> We can't use the identifier at the firewalls to limit access 
> at a security zone, if we use locators we loose mobility 
> - both site and host mobility.

That's not true, for the reasons I've outlined above.

> But then we have host mobility, a cellco is not keen to let 
> the end user to roam over to another network that they can't 
> charge for - 

This is no longer true.  The bandwidth pressures created 
by various "smart phones" mean that mobile phone operators
are quite keen to encourage their users to migrate to WiFi 
if they roam to an area with good WiFi coverage (for example),
at least for data traffic (Handoffs of voice telephony traffic
to WiFi is still in flux in the marketplace).

> thus the core locator do not change but the edge locator 
> will change when the device is moving at the cellco's 
> RAN (if you take the identifier mechanism to the future mobile 
> network architecture).

I don't agree.  The current approach to mobility is driven by
Internet architectural constraints, and available engineering
options, rather than by business models.  

Mobile phone operators already use the handset's identifier 
(e.g. GSM SIM ID) to ensure that both the carrier being 
roamed onto and the carrier the subscriber belongs to normally 
can bill, and settle cross-charges between operators, and that 
the subscriber in turn can be charged extra for roaming 
(if applicable to the subscriber's tariff).  None of those 
capabilities are lost if using ILNP. In fact, several become
simpler because ILNP has a location-independent ID, and existing
IP addresses don't. 

(I'm not sure, but I think there is even an open specification 
of how one puts a GSM SIM ID into EUI-64 format.)


Ran Atkinson

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