On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Chris Grundemann <cgrundem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Although I have been lurking here for some time, I am a newcomer to
> this group and to IETF participation in general so please forgive my
> naivety but this search for solid terminology reminds me of something
> I am told that Jon Postel once said:
> "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
> route indicates how we get there."
> I have always found that statement to be a great summary of how the
> Internet works in the simplest terms possible.

Hi Chris,

That's a great summary of how things were supposed to be. It's not
such a great description of how things are.

At work a run a ground system tied to a satellite service. IP
addresses for the servers are anycasted from two locations 5000 miles
apart. They're backended by a server cluster spread between those two
sites. Each server in the cluster has the same IP address. A load
balancer/tunnelling apparatus is used to divvy up the packets between
the cluster servers and move the packets between sites back out across
the Internet when the selected backend server is not local.

In this scenario the address no longer describes "where" the servers
are except in a very fuzzy sense. The address certainly doesn't
describe the host or interface sought. But it very accurately
describes a set of services sought, with each address tied to a
different cluster providing that specific set of services.

More generally, the address gets used in the following processes that
have nothing to do with "where" the address is located:

node identification - an address is often used to uniquely identify a
particular computer on the network. As a result, the computer retains
the same address when it moves instead of acquiring a new address.

application identification - as in my ground station example above, an
address can be tied to a particular service, rerouting to find that
service on any machine capable of providing it that is still online.
The route still indicates how to get to it but the address identifies
the service, not so much where the service is located.

authentication - The human being users identified by the IP addresses
I designate may access. You may not.  Maybe at my network border.
Maybe in my server's .htaccess file. No comment about the security
efficacy - just noting that it gets used this way.

packet association - in TCP, the connection ID is composed of the
source and destination IP addresses plus the source and destination
ports. The network stack uses the IP addresses in this scenario both
to associate incoming packets with the connection to which they belong
and to select the identity of the other host to which packets should
be returned, regardless of that other host's movement within the
network. Should that either endpoint in a TCP conversation present a
different IP address (because they're no longer where they used to
be), that TCP connection is dead.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin ................ her...@dirtside.com  b...@herrin.us
3005 Crane Dr. ...................... Web: <http://bill.herrin.us/>
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004
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