Series of micro-analyses of ILNP


1. "have different names for the
   identity of a node and the location of a node"
– OK, but:

What is the name for the location of a node in ILNP?

"Locator" is the name for the location of a "subnetwork".
"Identifier" is the name for the identity of a node.

2. "with ILNP the Identifier names a node,
   not a specific interface on a node"
– OK.

3. "the Locator names a subnetwork"
– A "subnetwork" is:
 the set of nodes attached to a link, or
 the set of links attached to a node, or
 the set of neighbors of a node?

4. "Identifiers are bound to nodes, not to interfaces"
– OK.

5. "Identifiers can be either globally unique or locally unique.
   Locally unique Identifiers are unique within the context of their
   associated Locators."
– So "locally unique identifiers" are committed to location!

Toni Stoev
rrg mailing list

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