Earlier, Toni Stoev wrote:
> ILNP obviously has unresloved issues.

Please describe the issues, either technical issues 
or documentation issues, precisely.  Vague assertions
like "obviously has unresolved issues" are not helpful.

The best way to get any issues resolved in the next set 
of ILNP I-Ds, which I am working on today, is to cite 
a specific ILNP I-D, Section, Page, and Paragraph 
where one thinks an issue exists-- and then to clearly 
describe the issue.  Direct email to me works fine, 
or one may post to the RG list.

I totally accept that there might be places where the
documents aren't clear.  So I am keen to get feedback
on where the I-Ds need to be edited.  So far, I haven't
seen a whole lot of constructive or actionable feedback.

(Credit where due, some folks have given excellent feedback.
For example, tli pointed out an issue with the ICMP 
Locator Update document. I now am working to fix that.)

> So why not just answer questions, instead of making people
> read additional non-routing related documentation.

I'm not in any way clear what you might mean by 
"additional non-routing related documentation".

One can debate whether ILNP is more about naming
(which I think it is) than routing (which remains LPM), 
but that debate would not in any way be useful.  

It is a waste of many people's time (the poster's,
mine, and many other people on the list) when someone
asks questions that are already answered in the existing
ILNP documentation.

ILNP is not part of my day job, so I have very little
time available for list discussions.  That also means,
sadly, that I am not able to run a tutorial on the
RRG mailing list.  There have been presentations to the
RG in the past, which I imagine are available online in
the Proceedings of the meetings.  I am happy to respond 
to questions where someone has *read the documents* and 
has some specific point of confusion or correction.

Other RG members also have answered various ILNP 
questions from time to time, for which I am very
grateful.  This demonstrates that a fair number of 
RG members already understand ILNP.

Yesterday's question was about the fact that ILNP uses 
EUI-64 syntax for Identifier values.  This has long been 
clearly documented.  It is mentioned in virtually every 
research paper on ILNP.  It is also mentioned in the most 
basic of the ILNP documents (draft-rja-ilnp-intro-*.txt).  
Further, reference to the use of EUI-64 syntax has been 
in that I-D for many versions of that document, so it 
isn't a recent addition of some sort.

So asking what form an ILNP Identifier takes demonstrates 
purely laziness -- someone who can't be bothered to make 
a reasonable effort to read existing readily available


Ran Atkinson

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