On 15  Jun 2010, at 16:57 , heinerhum...@aol.com wrote:
> can you tell me where you describe the value space of your locators?
> I have no idea at all what routable and allegeably also hierarchically 
> structured value space ILNP is using.

I don't understand what you mean by a "value space".

So I'm not sure exactly what is being asked.
Since I don't understand the question, I am not sure 
whether I am pointing at the right place, but here is 
an attempt:

draft-rja-ilnp-intro-03, Section 1, Page 4, says in part:
% The high-order 64-bits of the IPv6 address become the Locator.
% The Locator indicates the subnetwork point of attachment for
% a node.  In essence, the Locator names a subnetwork.  Locators
% are also known as Routing Prefixes.



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