Thank you for your best wishes.And let me add a few explanations why I am not a 
friend of IPv6:

I remember my very first contact with IPv6 at some IETF-meeting long: An IPv6 
expert proclaimed that this is THE protocol for THIS galaxy !!! I dislike such 

Although its address space is large enough to assign a seperate IPv6 address to 
each square inch of our planet it looks like it requires an additional LISP-DDT 
locator - at least LISP-support for IPv6 has already been offered so far.

IMHO, a protocol header should provide flags and parameter as to support all 
those services that make up the respective layer:
Routing,detour routing, congestion handling/traffic balancing. I cannot see 
anything but a flow label without any sense and meaning.
Yes, it provides source and dest. but no option to indicate any transit point. 
Note, GRE is fine, but a new protocol should envision the need for indicating 
several transit points without being enforced to repeat the source address.

IPv6 still relies on multicast addresses instead of providing some forwarding 
command type like "do unicast", "do multicast", "do anycast","do mp2p", "do 

Also, It has introduced an address space for anycast without considering the 
respective scope ! (a car driver looking for ANY gas station, won't search for 
that beyond a distance that he can reach with a full tank.)  

IPv6 folks are still convinced that it is advantageous to have completely 
different routing concepts with respect to inter & intra-domain !! With respect 
to IPv4 that might have historic reasons, but there is no reasonable argument 
neither for IPv4 nor for IPv6.

IPv6 just like IPv4 suffer due to the DIFFSERV paradigm "the traffic in the 
network may only be guessed by the waiting queues of received packets."
Indeed, one can neither learn about the congestion hot spots nor redirect 
traffic as to bypass them partly to the left, partly to the right.


-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung----- 
Von: Fleischman, Eric <>
An: heinerhummel <>; scott.brim <>
Cc: rrg <>; tli <>
Verschickt: Mi, 20 Nov 2013 12:29 am
Betreff: RE: [rrg] Rebooting the RRG

It’s currently a lonely job in many large corporations to be an IPv6 
specialist. I can’t help but wonder how many large corporations have plans to 
migrate away from IPv4? The view from my knothole is that RFC 1687 is as true 
today as it was in 1993 when I first wrote it. It’s more than just inertia – 
it’s also a very strong perception that IPv4 serves us very well.
Best wishes,

From: rrg []On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [rrg] Rebooting the RRG


Scott, you wrote:


Heiner, the IETF has said it doesn't want to come up with any more clever ways 
to help organizations continue to squeeze more life out of IPv4 addresses. It 
will help with transition away from IPv4. Thus IPv4 address depletion isn't a 
favored topic, and neither is making significant changes to Internet routing 
and/or addressing architecture in response. I suspect that ideas for routing 
multiple namespaces efficiently could be worth considering, but I would 
generalize it beyond just IPv4 and IPv6.  What else could you route?


Well, I know for quite a while that the IETF, and particularly the IESG, does 
not care for IPv4. On March 13 I wrote to the IESG:


 -----email on 13th March 2013 -------------------Subject: IETF 
should not abandon IPv4 



Dear Ladies and Sirs of the IESG,

I am writing this letter, being concerned about how IPv4 is going to be 

without having anything better instead (certainly not IPv6). 


We are running out of IPv4 addresses. The hope was, that as a result of the 
loc-id-split idea each host-IPv4 address is combined with a Locator, as is well 
known from postal letters where the name of the receiving person (identifier) 
is enhanced with his postal address (locator). That locator could have been 
constructed such that the so-called scalability problem were gone forever. And 
that the IPv4 address depletion issue were solved: That the combination {host 
IPv4 address; Locator} would be globally unique, a) with the Locator being 
globally unique, b) with the host IPv4 address being unique just per that 
locator. Hereby the lifetime of IPv4 could have easily be extended for another 
thousand years.


When LISP started out 10 years ago several variants were envisioned but the 
chosen one (LISP-DDT) is unable to provide global uniqueness as described 
above, instead LISP-DDT relies and depends on globally unique IPv4 addresses.

I learnt that some months ago, when I argued on the LISP-mailinglist, that 
LISP-DDT can never work, by saying you cannot send a letter to Mr. Li (where 
there are millions of people with this name) and ask the ingress post office to 
add the proper address by itself. Indeed, LISP-DDT does lookup the Locator 
based on the destination’s IPv4 address and not based on its FQDN. Hereby I 
learnt that the LISP community presumes that the destination’s IPv4 address is 
globally unique in the first place, which however is a much greater problem ( 
as a matter of fact, I wasn’t worried about a failing LISP-DDT, as my own TARA 
solution is much better while considering Unicast, Multicast, Anycast alike, 
i.e. not Unicast only).


A working solution would have been if the host sends a query with input=FQDN of 
the desti-nation to the DNS and gets in one response the respective 
{(locator-unique) IPv4 address; globally unique Locator}. But LISP-DDT neither 
involves the user (host) nor the DNS L.


As a result the lifetime of IPv4 depends entirely on NAT, NAT, and again on 
NAT.  There are more re-known “Nat-haters” in the IETF-community who better 
than I know how troublesome NAT really is. Myself I like to add one argument: 
Imagine a Multicast instance whereby the sender is mobile and indeed roaming 
all over the world, just like the receivers!

(For this scenario I did work out a model whereby the entire multicast instance 
is identified by a globally unique Multicast-Locator which comprises 2 leading 
octets of the sender’s “home”-Unicast-Locator plus a unique 2 (or 3) octets 
sized number whose administration is shared by all those routers whose locators 
share the same leading 2 octets. You may consider this solution being a slight 
shift back towards MADCAP).

It would be pretty ugly to outline a respective solution whereby the multicast 
instance is PIM-like and  NAT depending.

I conclude that the doublet {globally unique Locator; locally unique IPv4 
address} would be better than NATed IPv4.

But as I have shown, LISP-DDT does NOT provide this as to extend IPv4’s 
lifetime. Just the opposite, it eats up IPv4 addresses for its own deployment. 
It is also weird to see how it offers LISP-Locator based routing to IPv6 – just 
as if 16 octets are not enough. OK, the truth is that indeed 16 octets 
eventually could not be enough and that one needs, for ensuring successful 
detours, transit address points in addition which should be enabled by a 
flexible address size. (Routing to such transit address points based on GRE 
techniques is even worse by  taking even more octets.)

However LISP-DDT syntax does not cater for extendable LISP-headers either, such 
that LISP-locators of transit points can be included (my TARA-header however 
does !).


Hoping that the IESG does care about the IPv4’s fate, I am Yours Truly

Heiner Hummel


-----------------------------------------end of email to the IESG 


I haven't got any response ever.


Given this sad situation I think that some other standardization body  ( I 
suggest ITU-T ) should give  home to IPv4 so that the IETF can give all its 
attention and spend all its effort to IPv6 ( which I despise just like Brian C. 
hates NAT .-).


"What else could you route?" .

 Well, if you read the referenced TARA-document issued by ICI GLOBAL you will 
see a lot about routing technology which is unfortunately not  (yet)

state of the art in the internet community, but which bears the potential that 
a young generation of students and IETF attendees can built on it for a long 





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