On 9/3/07, Ashley Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3 Sep 2007, at 13:47, Wincent Colaiuta wrote:
> > I know it's very application-specific, but one good reason for this
> > is that it makes finding files in TextMate much easier when you hit
> > Command-T; you type a few characters and at a glance can distinguish
> > between spec and implementation files.
> This makes sense!  However, after a bit of testing, it turns out
> TextMate identifies the shortest unique path, so if you have
> address.rb in app/models and spec/models, it displays this in the Cmd-
> T window:
>    address.rb – app/models
>    address.rb – spec/models
> TextMate's interface never ceases to amaze me.
> I suppose also you could set up a spec runner to skip files not
> ending _spec.rb in case you wanted support code in the spec folders
> (not sure if this is a good idea in practice or not, just occurred to
> me).
> On 3 Sep 2007, at 13:50, Scott Taylor wrote:
> > Personally, I think the only reason we keep it around is for
> > Autotest, which maps xyz_spec.rb => xyz.rb.  But - Feel free to name
> > your specs however you choose.
> Not used Autotest


> - I'm sure it could be made to map xyz.rb => xyz.rb
> too though.
> This satisfied my curiosity anyway - someone mentioned it on nitro-
> general and I realised I didn't know where _spec came from.
> Thanks
> Ashley
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